Lessons Learned from this video.... 1. There are moments even - TopicsExpress


Lessons Learned from this video.... 1. There are moments even when your situation looks bad, notice the dog is chained up himself, that God provides you with the opportunity to help someone who is worse off than you. 2. I say be the water but sometimes your situation wont allow you to flow like that. In those circumstances you may have to share water flowing from another source. That means give someone a cd or dvd or link to a sermon that lifted your spirits. Share a resource you found - a food pantry, toy give away, heating assistance organization. Dont harbour the blessing, share it! 3. Sometimes you can throw water, life giving, life affirming water on a truly DEAD situation. Assess and MOVE ON! There is someone else nearby in need. And just because the last person didnt benefit from your presence, does NOT mean the next one wont. Keep working, abiding in the Lord. You do not labor in vain. 4. Your efforts may not always look like they are working but God! You may not witness the transformation in someone yourself. However Lyour efforts are not in vain. Notice just as the dog turns away the second fish takes a breath! I dont know about you but I want to shout on that ONE breath! I know for me ONE more opportunity, ONE more chance to say Thank you, ONE more moment with the ones I love would be enough! SN: In the midst of your troubles there WILL be people watching who have the intent to watch you suffer,(the person videotaping this) who may have been the ones who bound you up in the first place. Let em watch!! YOU just continue to be about your Fathers business!! I promise you I have never seen the righteous forsaken or His seed begging bread!! Be Transformed this Tuesday by the Renewing of your mind! https://facebook/video.php?v=269609013227102
Posted on: Tue, 23 Sep 2014 14:11:20 +0000

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