Let me see if I can break it down for you...read carefully...maybe - TopicsExpress


Let me see if I can break it down for you...read carefully...maybe something will sound that alarm in your head...the US is in the shitter because... 1) Chemtrails filled with barium and other trace metals and chemicals are being criss-crossed in our skies daily. 2) Patriots are considered terrorists because they speak out against government corruption. 3) The radiation from the Fukushima nuclear power plant is frying the Pacific coast, years after that disaster. 4) Cops are shooting innocent people, taking to serve and protect to a whole oxymoronic level 5) Congress is full of idiots that cant decide on their own budget proposals...making us severely and dangerously indebted to China 6) Fresh water from the Great Lakes being shipped to China while our own country suffers from severe drought in vast areas. 7) Posturing with foreign countries like the bully on the playground, the US sticks its nose into other countrys business like my nosy neighbor Gladys. 8 ) HAARP continues to manipulate our weather to suit their own agenda. 9) Monsanto has been manipulating our food with synthetic poisons since 1912...all the while touching every part of your life..most of which u have no idea...down to those little LED lights on your electronics..yeah they hold that patent too. 10) False flag events to divert your attention from more important matters. The common denominator here is the US govt having their hand in the proverbial cookie jar to suit their own agenda....YOU ARE MERELY COLLATERAL DAMAGE in this whole equation....dont be a statistic..be the change that matters before it is too late!!!!
Posted on: Fri, 28 Mar 2014 21:34:24 +0000

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