Let me tell you a little about addiction. As I have witnessed - TopicsExpress


Let me tell you a little about addiction. As I have witnessed firsthand, the longer the battle the tighter the grip. When an addict your first and last thought of the day is of that, which holds you captive. Once you begin to break free, the first and last thought of the day is of that, which held you captive. Through time, this begins to fade but the old saying, “once an addict always an addict” is very much true but not necessarily as an active addict. This is the avenue the devil takes and how he enters your soul and destroys you from within. Addiction is a lifelong battle, from dealing with the shame of friends and family that you may have wronged to the daily reminder through memories, media or friends/family that remain on this self-inflicted path of destruction. Addiction will steal you of everything: finances, assets, current and future memories with loved ones and ultimately your life. Over the years, I have distant myself from everyone that I associated with my past. Fifteen years later, I still make a cautious attempt to avoid people in a store from high school. Reluctantly, I will talk about my past but this is something that I am not proud of and would rather forget about as it stirs a desire from within. It is hard to explain this to someone that has never fallen as a victim. To this day, the devil still whispers in my ear like a terminal cancer deteriorating my flesh, just to tempt. This has also impacted current relationships with friends/family as this stigma I still carry. I feel like I am a good man today but I am not a good friend. Never have I felt superior to anyone that continues on this path, my heart breaks for you as I all too well understand the battle. God has delivered me from what held me captive in my youth but I am still praying to forgive myself of the people I wronged. Our society needs to get their nose out of the air and begin to pray for everyone that has directly or indirectly been affected by an addiction. As this in our time, is the Black Plague. For our youth, please don’t play with fire because it just may be you that gets burnt. He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone…. John 8:7
Posted on: Sun, 19 Oct 2014 16:03:03 +0000

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