Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, - TopicsExpress


Let this mind be in you, which was also in Christ Jesus: who, being in the form of God...made himself of no reputation, and took upon him the form of a servant - Philippians 2:5-7 Let this mind be in you. The Christian life is not merely intellectual assent to a list of orthodox tenets. It is internalizing the teaching and example of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ. And as we look at Christ through the infallible lens of Gods Word the Bible, we are reminded that his way is up-side-down (or rather right-side-up) from the way of this world. Jesus did not work his way to the top; he started at the top, as God himself, and yet chose to humble himself for the sake of his people. Here was a self-made man: Jesus, who is due all glory and honor, made himself of no reputation. Jesus, who is King of Kings and Lord of Lords, took on himself the role of a servant. How sad and ironic that most of us spend all our energy in life striving to do the exact opposite. This is doubtless why Jesus, from the outset, told those who admired him that they would have to deny themselves in order to become his disciple. Yet so many Christians want to claim discipleship, but without the sacrifice, without the self-denial, without the humility. Beloved, let this mind be in you -- may you internalize the reality of who Christ is, of how he lived, and of what he demands of us.
Posted on: Thu, 23 Jan 2014 10:06:30 +0000

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