‘… Let us keep in step with the Spirit.’ Galatians 5:25 - TopicsExpress


‘… Let us keep in step with the Spirit.’ Galatians 5:25 NIV You know Singing in the Rain, the musical with the umbrella twirling, puddle splashing routine Gene Kelly bit? Effortless and gliding with grace, you’d never guess Kelly was actually down with flu when he filmed it. You’d never guess the rain was shrinking his costume. Despite these odds, Gene Kelly danced into celluloid history because of the years of practice he’d put in behind the scenes. He instinctively knew the steps. It’s the same with our ‘routine’ with God. Every day is an opportunity to practice going toe–to–toe with Him, learning His guidance. Galatians 5:25 tells us to ‘keep in step with the Spirit.’ Put in the practice now. Spiritual guidance is learned—one step at a time. You might dream of making an impact in an overseas mission trip; but it’s worth remembering that God can equally move you to do ‘mission’ in your own town. In fact, He probably will. He has a big heart for it, because it boils down to simply living in God’s ways, wherever you are—nothing glamorous, just living for Him and for others. So, how can we learn God’s ‘steps’? Well, the Bible is ‘... a lamp to guide my feet and a light for my path’ (Psalm 119:105 NLT). When we draw Godly inspiration from it, it’ll change our lives. Don’t wait for opportunities to find you. Read your Bible and pray for God to give you an unmistakable passion for something He cares for. Lets keep up our 30 day challenge 1. Journal every day-ask God to speak to you through the Word. 2 simple prayer- talk with God and give him thanks. 3 Clean heart-which is forgiveness and asking God to check our hearts. If we do these 3 thongs we are going to glow in a deeper relationship with God.
Posted on: Mon, 24 Mar 2014 20:56:22 +0000

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