Let us move south along the Adriatic towards Albania and we see a - TopicsExpress


Let us move south along the Adriatic towards Albania and we see a new leader there. Edi Rama en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Edi_Rama He is turing 50 this year in July. And it in top level politics since 1998 when he became Minister first time. Makes it 16 years and as Albania broke down in anarchy in 97 and 98 is basically the start of the new phase of reconstruction he was there on the top in one way to the other as Minister, Mayor of the capital or opposition leader and now PM since 2013. No really a newcomer to politics but since in power he tries hard to make a difference and have some impact and bring his country forwards. His methods are quite heavy handed and he is not very keen on modern approach towards proportionality in administration. His first 6 months in power were dominate by a clean up and in fact blow up campaign of illegal buildings. Might be good, might be necessary but the way this was decided was very surprising for the European resident observer. Not the idea of due process but shoot - blow up first and let the court handle it later was more the impression. Good might be necessary in Albania and might be the tradition but in a country which is most indebted after Greece in the Balkans this is a questionable priority. The main challenge in Albania is fiscal and how to get the economy back on growth track and the learned and inspiried Artist is a newcomer. In terms of leading the campaign on Anti corruption and clean government there has been a lot announced but the record of Mr Rama as Mayor of Tirana is widely know to be old school in terms of using public office in the ancient Turkish traditions. Will Mr Rama be the leader to clean up Albania and fight organised crime in the style of Mr. Vucic in Serbia. Up to now this remains to be seen.
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 12:18:36 +0000

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