Lets remember around this special time of year what strength - TopicsExpress


Lets remember around this special time of year what strength really is. I talk a lot about strength, but strength is more than just lifting weights or working out. Strength is the ability to overcome, and to help others along on their way to a healthier, more serene and less troublesome life. Strength is going out of your way, showing compassion, and doing whats right when it seems nobody else will. Strength is the courage to do good. No matter what. Strength is not turning a blind eye to a friend--or maybe even a total stranger--in need. Strength is helping others up, instead of putting them down. It is the essential quality, the highest human value. Strength is patience and perseverance and pluck, and pretty much all things related to a better, more tolerant human race. Strength is stopping to hold the door, a friendly smile and a generous tip. Strength is letting go and accepting what is out of your control, while actively changing whatever is. Strength is speaking up for those who cant speak up for themselves. Strength is giving a damn. Really, strength is all those amiable qualities that make other people want to come to your funeral. Strength is what you are remembered by and can be very contagious, so whatever you do in life, wherever you go and whoever you meet, spread the gift of being strong.
Posted on: Tue, 30 Dec 2014 10:30:26 +0000

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