Lets say that of the 114,555,744 people the census bureau counted - TopicsExpress


Lets say that of the 114,555,744 people the census bureau counted in the 16 states of the American South, that 60,000,000 are conservatives and Christians. (The number is probably higher than that.) If you have 60,000,000 conservatives in the South - and they all voted that way - you would have the basis for a winning coalition of conservatives from around the nation. It is said that Romney got 57 million votes out of the U.S. population of 300 million. Obama got 65,367,939 out of that 300 million. That means that about 177,632,061 did not support Obama or Romney in 2012. Many polls say that about 40% of Americans claim to be conservative. Why is Obama president? Because too many conservatives did not vote. Because too many conservatives may have voted for the Democrat because they wanted to protect SSI, Medicare, Medicaid, Welfare programs. They drank the Democrat and mainstream media kool-aid about the evil rich-loving Republicans. Because the GOP keeps putting up non-conservative candidates for president and many other races. The GOP is committing suicide because they (the hierarchy) dont want to have a SOUTHERN American base for the party. They are revealing themselves as Statists and Progressives who believe in Big Government. The GOP is trying get away from born again Christians as their base. They want to have secularists - so-called fiscal conservatives - and they think that they can gain non-white minority support. It will fail. There is nothing wrong with being a party that is predominantly white in composition if the principles of the party are not based upon a racial litmus test or racist policies. The conservative platform is not racist. However, the Democrats and the mainstream media have convinced enough people that they are - this will not change. The GOP must hold to its true base and must reach out to everyone who will embrace CONSERVATIVE principles. Division by NORTH, SOUTH, BLACK, WHITE, HISPANIC, MALE, FEMALE is a LEFTIST strategy, and conservatives should counter this by emphasizing the UNIVERSAL PRINCIPLES of the American Founding documents and the Christian (and Jewish) faith(s). There is no where else for conservatives to go.
Posted on: Fri, 18 Oct 2013 07:48:42 +0000

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