*** Letter to the internet patriots *** I ask myself, how can - TopicsExpress


*** Letter to the internet patriots *** I ask myself, how can someone claim to be a patriot, and not know what it really means? Most of the comments I see under articles and pictures that get shared actually get to me, mainly because I do know what it really means... If you have never written a check to Uncle Sam that reads: “Payable In Full Up To The Amount Of My Life, If Necessary, To Defend Our Way Of Life”, how can you even really know? Most people would never write such a check. You only go by what you hear and form an opinion, but have no first-hand knowledge on what that flag you love so much even means nor do you truly respect the reason that it still flies. The military should be mandatory if you ask me. Why? Because it will forces a child to learn something outside of what they are used to. You would have to learn to put aside your differences to accomplish a mission. two people that would probably have never crossed paths before must have each others backs or the mission will fail. I met a guy in boot camp from some small town in West Virginia (I forget where) that never met a black guy in his life, so his image was what people say and tv. One day during rifle maintenance, he tells me you know, youre nothing like what I see on tv...at first, I was kind of surprised to hear something like that...but at the same time, I could do nothing but laugh and understand where he was coming from. My only response was jokingly I guess all white people dont wear hoods... There are brothers and sisters of all shades and religions fighting for our country. Do you think its right to disrespect their religion, or culture and they are in that fighting hole right next to you, putting their life on the line with you, taking a bullet for you, diving on a grenade for you? If this band of brothers and sisters had not taken it upon themselves to place their own future on hold while they stood guard over the future of their country, the Land of the Free would be a memory... I get so sick of this conservative vs liberal, white vs everybody else BULLSHIT. Why are we working backwards? Why does the 1st amendment mean you can disrespect another man and be shielded from the repercussions? The levels of disrespect kill me. Americans in general want respect, but cant give it. We make more enemies than friends with that attitude. I see these guys Ive worked with talk so much crap about foreigners and their cultures and customs, but want every foreigner to respect ours. If a man doesnt stand and put his hand over his heart during the national anthem in America...there is outrage...when you go to another country that same level of respect isnt shown, its F you, Im American . During a prayer...regardless of religious preference...some respect should be shown....you would want it during yours. All Muslims arent terrorists, I dont care what your half-assed interpretation of the Quran is. All Christians arent hypocrites. I dont care what you see in the media. Believe half of what you see, and none of what your hear. Its time we as a people stood up and stopped acting like because you listen to country or rock, drive a truck and eat bacon youre so star-spangled awesome...cause youre not...get out and realize whats going on outside that box. Understand what it means to be an American and what it actually means to be free. Look up to real people that make a difference. Instead of pouring ice water on your head for a disease you had no idea about before fb....Donate to the Wounded Warrior Project...donate time to a homeless veteran shelter...thats how you support your country and show your patriotism I conclude by quoting one of the most well thought out responses to Is America the greatest country... We sure used to be. We stood up for what was right. We fought for moral reasons. We passed laws, struck down laws for moral reasons. We waged wars on poverty, not poor people. We sacrificed, we cared about our neighbors. We put our money where our mouths were. And we never beat our chest. We built great big things, made ungodly technological advances, explored the universe, cured diseases, and we cultivated the worlds greatest artists and the worlds greatest economy. We reached for the stars, acted like men. We aspired to intelligence, we didnt belittle it, it didnt make us feel inferior. We didnt identify ourselves by who we voted for in our last election. And we didnt scare so easy. We were able to be all these things, and to do all these things, because we were informed. By great men, men who were revered. First step in solving any problem is recognizing there is one.... --- Jeff Daniels
Posted on: Wed, 03 Sep 2014 04:02:52 +0000

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