Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is angry. To statists like him, - TopicsExpress


Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid is angry. To statists like him, the government would run so much smoother if everybody just followed him and the rest of the Democratic Party on the road previously taken by Europe. To Senator Reid, those who dare to dissent are not true Americans, but are somehow radical obstructionists, not worthy of respect or civil discourse. Those who dare to disagree are the enemy. What a scary world Senator Reid must live in. On Monday, as the Democrats in the Senate refused to accept the continuing resolution passed by the House, Senator Reid lashed out at conservatives and Tea Party Republicans and said, “With a bully, you cannot let them slap you around because today they slap you five or six times, tomorrow it’s seven or eight times. We are not going to be bullied.” This is the same Harry Reid who continually asserts that the Tea Party is comprised of “anarchists” who want to destroy the government. So, with such absurd characterizations, it seems Reid’s go-to position when challenged is to lash out and call names. Reid also questioned why Republicans are “fixated” on Obamacare. Forgetting that nearly every projection finds Obamacare wildly economically unsustainable and disastrous, Reid still wondered why Republicans weren’t knuckling-under to allow the government to fund it. “They are closing down the government. I don’t know what in the world is wrong with them, why they’re fixated on this Obamacare. It is the law,” Reid said. While it’s important to note that an important function of government is to pass laws, another important function of government is to remove bad laws. Since the formation of our nation, bad laws have sprung up from time to time and it has been the duty of principled lawmakers to destroy laws that have an adverse effect on the American people. It sure would be more convenient for Reid and other Democrats if Republicans just always nodded along and did as they were told, but that’s not their job. Conservatives are working against Obamacare because it challenges the health, wellbeing and financial situation of millions of Americans. It may be the law, but it is a bad law and it is the right and responsibility of those with principles to do whatever they can to spare the American people from this trainwreck.
Posted on: Tue, 01 Oct 2013 17:31:19 +0000

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