Let’s Talk Immigration Socioeconomic mobility among - TopicsExpress


Let’s Talk Immigration Socioeconomic mobility among immigrants and subsequent generations remains an area of heated debate among immigration scholars. Wealth is an important indicator of class status and economic incorporation, and understanding the wealth ownership patterns of particular immigrant groups can provide important insight into the immigrant mobility debate. Wealth is often implied, but rarely measured directly, in studies of immigrant social and economic incorporation. Wealth ownership reflects most of the behaviors and processes that are usually used to access immigrant incorporation, including education, income, family structure, language ability, and legal status. For immigrants, home and business ownership often hold particular significance and imply success, suggesting that wealth closely approximates immigrants’ own conceptions of mobility. In 2009, Chinese Americans surpassed Latino Americans in wealth ownership. Latinos have already surpassed African Americans in wealth ownership. Now we are faced with several hundreds of immigrants entering our country mostly unchallenged and with no protection from our government so it leads many to think that our government is in cahoots with officials in foreign countries like Guatemala, El Salvador, and the Honduras to redistribute wealth. Do these countries have a common debt to the IMF (International Monetary Fund) that has defaulted? Are humans the last resort of wealth that these counties have to offer? And last could this happen to us one day with the declining value of the US the Federal Reserve Notes? Let’s look at Guatemala first; according to the IMF’s website Guatemala has a high public debt to GDP ratio which is a source of vulnerability. Stabilizing the debt to GDP ratio at its current level would require a permanent improvement in the primary balance of about 1 percent of the GDP or sustainability gap. You must always be careful with the word sustainability in reference to any people of any country. What would the Guatemalan government do to sustain itself? Would they offer the exchange of their citizens in return for a balanced checkbook? Planned IMF recommended amendments to the Organic Budget Law would improve transparency and efficiency of public spending and help reallocate resources to priority areas. Could the US be the priority area? The IMF’s mission urges additional efforts to mobilize revenue beyond consolidation needs. Meaning, that higher government revenues will be necessary to support priority public spending and achieve long term sustainability. The IMF has called to Guatemalan officials to give tax breaks to the wealthy but what about the poor. Well since kids are running like hell to the US without their parents I think there is a movement against the poor. Yes there is a lot of crime in Guatemala, reportedly 5 times higher than in the US. However, why isn’t their government doing more to help and support its citizens? Now let’s look at Honduras, they received a 100% debt relief package from the IMF excusing them out of $154 million US dollars. They also have what is called MDGs which are Millennium Development Goals which calls for poverty reduction, water sanitation, and increased GDP. They have a goal of reaching this by 2015 and hence the impoverished escaping into the US mostly children without their parents. The US isn’t doing enough to protect the borders neither are the Honduras, Guatemala, or El Salvador. Is this by design? The media outlets such as CNN are calling it an “invasion”, but most of these illegal immigrants’ are children so how can children invade a country as powerful as the USA? They could be children of kingpins or terrorist and have an agenda to infiltrate our systems and become a threat to national security. They could also be refugees looking for a better opportunity and shouldn’t they have that right in our country? Lastly let’s take a look into El Salvador they also share a common debt to the IMF and what is also interesting is the year 2008 when America’s too big to fail drama was unleashed. So many dirty hands were wiped clean while the poor suffered in what was worse than the era of the Great Depression. El Salvador’s economy has been hard hit as well in 2012 its GDP only grew by 1.5% lagging behind the rest of the region. IMF’s mission for El Salvador predicts that the fiscal deficit will remain unchanged from 2013 to beyond and the debt to GDP ratio will continue to increase. In other words the rich will get richer and the poor will get poorer. The mission also called for a national dialogue to overhaul their government to one more like “other countries”. This means more enforcement of a democracy that never seems to work out well in fact it often leads to civil war. Look at the mess in the Middle East and it becomes very clear that we should keep our noses out of other countries governments. Kirsten Powers was on an interview with Bill O’Reilly and she stated that how is it that we can’t afford immigration but we can afford an invasion of Iraq. On Fox News Let it Rip segment Huey Johnson called it a redistribution of wealth, to me it sounds like the people are being used as the redistribution of wealth because their governments are indebted to the IMF. These missions are not working for other countries but instead giving the rich opportunities to exploit the poor and take advantage of natural resources and business ventures on a global scale. Could the influx of immigrants be the new labor class to replace America’s current workforce for pennies on the dollar? That is a question to pay close attention to as Michigan has already been earmarked to receive many of these immigrants and Governor Snyder has already announced Detroit is open for 50,000 immigrants. If you live in Michigan this should concern you and it is difficult to say that children should be sent back to a dangerous environment. However, you must also consider America’s children that were born here and think of their chances for a decent quality of life. I think the children deserve a chance and ultimately they will all become US citizens and the people who oppose will be outnumbered in the end. If only we spent more on quality of life for every American and less on spying, war, and international aid to other countries. References: https://imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2005/pr05295.htm un.org/en/development/desa/policy/mdg_workshops/training_material/bussolo_and_medvedev_2006.pdf https://imf.org/external/np/sec/pr/2013/pr1384.htm myfoxatlanta/clip/10332268/let-it-rip-immigration-part-2
Posted on: Sat, 05 Jul 2014 19:21:53 +0000

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