Life is hard. Life is daily. Life makes me tired. Sometimes - TopicsExpress


Life is hard. Life is daily. Life makes me tired. Sometimes people make me tired. Sometimes circumstances make me tired because I either created them with my own wrong choices, or I have to suffer the consequences of the wrong choices made by other people I love - or worse – wrong choices and absurd decisions made by people I don’t even like. The fact is – we all have someone or something in our lives that make us tired. What to do? Take a deep, long breath as you count to ten. Pray as you breathe in, asking God to give you something for your pain. Now let that breath out and fill it with everything that is causing your pain. There is also the quick sigh – when you gasp in air in to the count of 1.5 seconds and immediately let it explode. Mama sighed like that when people made her angry or when she was frustrated. But it seemed to work for her – both as a way of letting off some steam as well as sending a message to the person who caused Mama’s anger. I have come to see the sighing technique perfected by Mama as a stellar way to deal with everything and everyone that makes me tired. I breathe in the life-giving power and supernatural control of the Holy Spirit and exhale everything that is not of Him. Next time you are tired, think about Mama and give it a try. Let’ s Pray Father, I am tired. I need Your power and supernatural control for every step of every day. Help me learn to fully trust You – even when life is hard. In Jesus’ name, Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 17 Jul 2013 14:40:09 +0000

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