Life is what you make of it, and dreams come true when you least - TopicsExpress


Life is what you make of it, and dreams come true when you least think they will. No one reach the top without hard work. There is nothing liking having a dream or a vision or a dream and wanting it to happen so badly. Sometimes it’s the hard work that make the person, pure gold is soft by itself, but when you mix it with something it is stronger. We all have a gift, it is up to us to grow it. Never let anyone talk you out of anything. There is nothing like a hater, because it is their job to hate on you and your dream, they never let up, so why should you. It is odd that some people never reach their true height because they can’t get past little things. It is the pat that we take sometimes make us wonder, where this thing will end up. The greater the struggle the greater the reward. I have seen people with no education, no money all of a sudden running major companies. Look at the history of a company and you will see the person behind the magic is not as smart as you are. What makes this person so great is they understand the dream, and build on it. Sometimes you have to get knock down to get up, sometimes it is not the win but the lost that tech us something. From me to you the dream is great, it is a hard fight and sometimes it may drive you crazy to see something happen. It is hard to give birth to a baby that just want come out, it is hard to be in labor for hours at a time and that baby want come out. When it does the joy is great. Food for the Soul is my baby, it is my pain, but it is a great pain for every step up the ladder to where I need to go. This is a letter to all my great people out there, I wish I had it easy. I would love to have a job that I can go to day in and day out and not worry about anything. Trust me in when I say I wish I had a regular job, but it is not my calling, I have been call to create and this is the crazy part, it is hard to create something out of nothing, but it can happen. I know one day will look back at the baby steps and laugh, but thank you to all the people that think of me to read my emails and say nice things. I’m just like you, no better, just me doing what I know how to do. I want you to think of Food for the soul as more than a blog, a radio show, a book, a video, but look where it came from, my ideas and my dream and my dream to create something from my mind, sometimes I look back and say wow look where I come from. Sometimes I want this baby to come out and be grown, but it does not happen that way. Keep watching and listening to Food for The Soul, and enjoy the ride of a lifetime with me as I grow, Love each and every one of yall. !5 thousand strong, remember that, 15 thousand strong, In one year, I’m very happy about that. Be great. From the desk of Food for The Soul a trademark by Ramon C. Weldon
Posted on: Sat, 26 Oct 2013 15:34:22 +0000

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