Life-preneur - Unstoppable Tribe Mastermind New Orleans I am - TopicsExpress


Life-preneur - Unstoppable Tribe Mastermind New Orleans I am a huge believer that in order to accomplish much in this life, you need to be with like-minded people…… To be inspired by… To be an inspiration to others…. To be each others support, while you are on your journey to greatnesss. Being a Life-preneur is about living in the now and living out your life purpose…. But how do you do this and get there? By following these 4 easy steps… 1. Figure out what you want out of life…. What is it that you cannot live without? 2. What will you give up to get what you want in life? 3. Develop a game plan, with the help of your mentors, support group and the tribe to help you get there. 4 WORK YOUR BUTT OFF! This is where you need to be around like minded people to help you keep on track….it is so easy to fall into mediocrity and accept your lot in everybody else does in life. Being a stay home dad and working from home, thanks to making money online is one thing and it is cool,but to stay motivated is hard to maintain over long periods of time. That is why all successful people get together to have masterminds to strategize and to collaborate for the next 30, 90, 100 days. And that is something that is a must in my life….United we stand, divided we fall. It is so easy for people to be complacent and apathetic, and that is why ‘iron sharpens iron’. When you have strength in numbers anything is possible. I would not be anywhere without the help of the Unstoppable Mastermind event 3 months ago and the tribe of creative and ambition members. It is so amazing to see how much I have learned and accomplished in those 3-4 mths. I did not know any internet marketing skills or strategies until I found this tribe of people. I have met many successful entrepreneurs from all over the world who come together to explode their current businesses options, to improve on their current internet marketing practices with their current businesses, and to collaborate with new business project...But you can only do this by surrounding themselves with other entrepreneurs. That is why I want to open my time and efforts to help 15-20 people make $10,000 each in the 30-90 day project. And by joining the cause you will get direct access to this amazing group of people. If you have a current business or looking at starting a business, you will learn value strategies to attract and drive your own audience (eyeballs) to any business(es) you want or have. You will learn how to be a internet sniper and be able to create a 6 figure income, to bring more income into your family or maybe you just want to give it all away as donations to different causes and charities you believe in. The last event we had was in New Orleans & was no exception.. Had an amazing week connecting with the crew! I will definitely be at the next one in Orlando. We have 90 days to create a force to be reckoned with…..a army of people all fighting for the same thing…..their dreams, their business(es) and the dreams of others. The great thing is… can have any business and learn the internet marketing skill set and bring your business, your life, your life purpose to a whole new level... I know, you know that you deserve a better quality life, it is in you….I don’t know one person, who wants a bad life…..Do you? Want to come along? I heard we may be hiring a mansion with a bowling alley & plan on going to Disney World! workhardtohardlywork See you on the other side! Love and Well Being Robert. https://youtube/watch?v=xVZlvcXuTh0
Posted on: Wed, 16 Jul 2014 11:06:49 +0000

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