#Lilcub Part 7 The song finished and he walked me to mine. I - TopicsExpress


#Lilcub Part 7 The song finished and he walked me to mine. I invited him in and we just walked into the kitchen to eat. After that we watched a movie which had a rude scene and I could tell he was getting turned on or his lower region. I wasn’t ready to lose my v plates to him so I told him I was tired and that he should go home. I and a half years later Me and Christian were still going strong. Had them ups and downs but we solved it on our own. One day after a good sleep, I woke up to the Happy birthday song. Me: “whos birthday ? Leah: “yours doofus,I was knocking on the door but you didn’t answer so I had to wait for Christian to come back with your parents so I could get in” Me: “Omg ! im sorry butguys thank you so much” I completely forgot it was my birthday I looked to see my parents and my whole neighbours in my room. I got out of bed and went to kiss my parents when I got bounced Mum: “Tessa, alu fufulu lou guku muamua uailoa sou kama ae le la makou faakali oe I le sitting room” (go brush your teeth first my child, but we will be waiting for you in the living room)”. I was embarrassed and waited for them to hop out of my room before I had a quick shower and brushed my teeth before going into the sitting room, I was greeted with a kiss before I realised that my parents didn’t know. I quickly pulled away and started coughing, turns out he asked my parents for permission before when I was in the shower so we were fine. I was crying because of the way he was towards me and my parents he was what I dreamed off. That day he spoiled me and we had a family dinner, when everyone left, I rode with him to a hotel. Here’s me thinking dafug ? he checked in and told me to shower Me: “I don’t have clothes” all of sudden my phone started ringing With no hey or hello she goes Leah: “your clothes are in the draw near the dressing table” Me: “suga, whats gonna happen ?” Leah: “your gonna make slow love” she just starts cracking up Me*opens draw and looks shocked at what she bought me* “ you bought me a g-string set plus a night gown! suga im gonna kill you ! Leah: “be grateful, have fun and take your time” *hangs up* I went for a shower and realised I forgot my towel, Chrsitian hadn’t seen me naked before and I wasn’t gonna risk that chance, so I called out to him for a towel Christian: “where are they ?” Me: “in the draw near the dressing table” without thinking I realised what I said, it was the same draw the 3-piece set was in. Christian: “here, its on the towel rack out on the door” I hopped out grabbed my towel and ran straight to the room and had no choice but to put them on. I walked out and sat on the sofa next to Christian. He was watching the same movie, that we watched the day before, I could tell he was getting turned on but surprisingly so was I. I got up and looked at him then walked to the room, I could feel the bed go down which showed he was getting on. We started talking when, I realised in the year we’ve been going out we have never made love because I refused to and I was happy he didn’t force me. Christian: “babe ? can I ask you a question” Me: “shoot away” Christian: “marry me ?” Me: “what ?” I was shocked Christian: “I love you babe so much but in order to claim you, I need to know if I will be your first and you’re last” Me: “ yes, I’ll marry you” Christian: “yes ! woohoo !” he starts to kiss my neck, turning me on Me: “babe, im ready” Christian: “are you sure ?” Me: “more than I have ever been” My Past, Present and Future
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 05:30:54 +0000

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