Lions and Tigers and the Fear of Writing, Oh My! We get our - TopicsExpress


Lions and Tigers and the Fear of Writing, Oh My! We get our creativity flowing, but have this fear of letting someone see our writing. We need to understand the source of our fears. We just may not be ready for it to be read or maybe we’re not happy with the work we produced. To help this… for things that are written need to be read, that is their purpose. We need to define what our goals for the book and story line were when we started. How were we going to meet these goals, and why do we feel we have fallen short. We will need to brainstorm all the reasons why our goals werent reached, and try to figure out the shortfalls that stand in the way of our writer’s instinct. We might even need to borrow from other authors who have gone down this path before. That path and its traps that befall an author are a great way to for us leverage the skills of other writers. We don’t have to agree with all their tricks, but we can use them to broaden our own world view. We can also entrust our beta readers to carefully criticize our works, our editors, family and friends. From those avenues we will gain more courage to trust our work to others that are not as close to us and learn to endure and hear their criticisms as help that will better our writing and storytelling. We need to disregard all that criticism which is destructive, and to look at constructive criticism as a learning tool. Constructive feedback is proactive and show you where you need to improve and will even show you where you have excel. Remember, that we are the authors, the storytellers, it’s our story. Critics may think they can make or break our futures. The worst critics live within us. We should always strive to nurture our souls and at times turn a blind eye to unnecessary discouragement and criticism. For words are meant to be read. Never listen to that inner critic, it knows all the right buttons to push!
Posted on: Tue, 08 Jul 2014 03:13:43 +0000

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