Listening to God I have often asked God to lead the way for me to - TopicsExpress


Listening to God I have often asked God to lead the way for me to follow. I’ve asked Him to give me a sign on how I am meant to live my life. I’ve asked Him for so many answers. I think there were times that I was so focused on asking Him for so many things that I was missing out on His answers. I was expecting His answers to be writing in big, bold letter. I then learned that God speaks to us in many different ways. Dreaming is a way for God to speak to us. I have had dreams that touch my heart and that seem so real. In fact some of my dreams have been real. About two weeks before my dad died, I remember having a dream that he was in the hospital and I was begging him to forgive me for certain things. At the time of my dream, my dad was not in the hospital. I didn’t even realize he was so sick. After he died in the hospital, I realized that God was speaking to me through this dream. Perhaps he was telling me of what was about to happen. Maybe that dream was God’s way of preparing me of what was yet to come. There could be several purposes for the dream I had, but one thing I am certain. The dream was God’s way of communicating with me. Dreams are just one way that God can communicate with us. The night my dad died, my family and I were leaving the hospital. We were walking in the parking lot, with tears running down my face. I remember opening the back door and getting inside of the car. As we drove off, my hands were face up on my lap. The next thing I felt was a soft, touch in the palm of my right hand. I believe that this was God speaking to me. He was telling me what parents usually tell their children when they are sad. God was telling me that everything was going to be okay and that He was there for me. That warm touch brought comfort to me. If we reflect on God’s word, the Bible, we will read about the several ways God speaks to us. The Bible mentions in the book of Job some specific ways that God reaches out to us to communicate. All we need to do is listen; such ways according to Job are: In a dream, in a vision of the night, when deep sleep falls on people, as they slumber in their beds, He may speak in their ears, and terrify them with warnings. (33:15-16) Job 33:14 states how we tend to ignore, both intentionally and unintentionally, the words of God, “For God does speak—now one way, now another—though no one perceives it.” Sometimes we might be going through problems or certain situations. We might try to handle those problems all on our own, but the truth is that we need God, whether we admit it or not. God is here for us and He loves us. All we need to do is accept Him into our lives and trust in Him enough to lay our burdens upon Him. Once we hand over our burdens to our creator, so much weight will be lifted from our shoulders. Trust in God enough to believe that He will answer our prayers. He knows what’s best for us. He will speak to us, but we need to know when to listen to Him. Keep in mind that prayers might not be answered right away or even at all. Prayers will be answered when the time is right, according to God. If prayers remain unanswered then we need to trust that God knows what He is doing and He knows what we need more than we do. If prayers do remain unanswered then perhaps that is God’s way of telling us that whatever it is we are praying for is not what’s best for us. I prayed to God night after night when my fiancé and I broke up. I cried and I pleaded to bring him back to me. Those prayers never were answered, but that’s because getting back together was not what was best for me. God had other plans for me and they involved becoming a mother. Being a mother is the best thing that has ever happened to me. There is no greater blessing than raising a child and providing love to a precious human being. Watching her grow up and learn new things bring joy to my life each and every day. God knew that getting back together with my fiancé wasn’t going to bring me the love and happiness that I needed in my life. His blessing was to not answer my prayers, but by doing so, he blessed me by giving me a beautiful little girl. I would gladly go through the heart ache of losing my fiancé all over again, because those events is what lead up to giving birth to my precious little angel. She is my everything and I am so grateful that God didn’t answer my prayers. At the time I thought what I needed was to be back in that relationship, but I really had no idea what was best for me until God blessed me with my child. Trust in our creator because He knows what he’s doing and He will take care of us and bless us. We just need to believe in Him, love Him, listen to what He is telling us, and trust Him.
Posted on: Thu, 25 Jul 2013 19:39:54 +0000

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