Little Bunny FooFoo ambled in the driveway toward the back gates - TopicsExpress


Little Bunny FooFoo ambled in the driveway toward the back gates into the yard. There was just enough room for him to squeeze under the gate to get to the seed table area, but he hesitated. The birds were coming and going, squirrel gobbled in attendance. Bunny rose up on his hind legs, put his paws on the gate, and watched for a long time, but did not come into the yard. After a long night of being out bopping field mice on the head, he must have thought it too dangerous to risk being chased by Penni-Pasta this early in the morning. He is growing longer, and I could see his tiny ears turning this way and that, listening, ever listening. I must remember to throw some sunflower seeds out beyond the gate in the mornings. All Gods creatures gotta a place in the choir....even head-bopper hoppers. The tomatoes are starting to blush, it will soon be time to start making sauce, that glorious stuff that makes the winter stews and gumbos so delicious. The squash have surrendered to the bugs almost entirely. Though we hate using poisens on them, we tried Sevin dust, but it just did not work. Too many bugs now to pick them off, so I guess it time to just plow them under and start over with something less appetizing to the bugs. We picked our second helping of purple snap beans this week, seems so funny that those beans are a beautiful shade of purple on the plants, but after they are cooked turn the same green as regular snap beans. Marv ordered that particular variety for the first time, and they have thrived, produced well, and most of all, have given me that tidbit of purple in the garden. The eggplants will be the next purples on our table. They look like tiny purple marbles in little green cups right now. I find that during the summer months, that garden is almost a living, breathing entity, each day brings its own surprises, its challenges, its rewards and disappointments. Just when my muscles have begun their winter atrophy, this first day of summer comes with its back, leg, and arm-stretching activities. If only for this body-building benefit, a home garden is worth its weight in gold. Speaking of stretching activities, today I felt called on to spend a good bit more time in prayer for our military people. The news is full of confusion, but my little plastic soldier stands beside the prayer chair, aiming his tiny rifle, listening, ever vigilent in readiness. Back in the 90s, when the conflict began, I met with a group of women to pray for our nation. One woman passed a basket that I assumed was for the offering. She advised us to take, not give. Inside the basket were tiny, green plastic toy soldiers. She suggested that we use it as a point of reference when we prayed. I selected one, and carried that little man for years.....his foot stand came off, his rifle tip broke, he began to look rather forlorn, so I replaced him with another. I cannot tell you now how many green plastic soldiers have been in my hands, as that point of reference. Some days I call that little man by a name. Today he was Cody, who was in my Art class some years ago. On other days, he is all the men and women who serve our country, as if it was a life-giving garden. There are days when those who serve feel success, but I know many days are just filled with back-breaking work, a sense of helplessness, confusion, and deep disappointment. Their fragile lives need prayer support. If you have to buy a toy plastic soldier as a point of reference, do so, but remember them. Seek ye first the Kingdom of God, and His righteousness, and all these things shall be added unto you.......things like bunnies to watch, eggplant to anticipate, and soldiers to lift in prayer. I love you all.
Posted on: Sat, 21 Jun 2014 13:24:53 +0000

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