Local High Barnet resident Jonathan Supran has written his first - TopicsExpress


Local High Barnet resident Jonathan Supran has written his first book - ‘The Isolation of Men’ - a collection of stories taking the reader on a thought-provoking journey through eleven different times and places from ancient China to a future United States. The book reveals the intriguing, unexpected, and sometimes extreme effects on individuals who by accident or design become alienated from the societies they live in. A peasant in Medieval France is caught up in a vicious cat and mouse game between the authorities and a heretical sect. In Renaissance Italy a failed assassin finds refuge in a remote lakeside villa, and prepares to confront his enemies’ retribution. Three members of a posse sent to chase down a band of renegade Apaches are captured and taken to the Indians’ camp, where they face a gruesome fate. A journalist investigating a murder in a country racked by civil war, gets embroiled in matters outside his control, that lead to his exile and eventual collaboration with the very same people who are responsible for his predicament. A billionaire plans a radical solution to the problem of ageing. If you’re interested in reading The Isolation of Men you can download it on your Kindle for £1.99, or order a paperback copy from Amazon for £8.99 (or your local currency equivalent). For both, you can either paste this URL into your browser: amazon.co.uk/s/ref=nb_sb_noss?url=search-alias%3Dstripbooks&field-keywords=jonathan%20supran or search on the Amazon website under my name or the title of the book. Finally, if you enjoy the book, I’d very much appreciate you telling other people about it. Many thanks and happy reading!
Posted on: Mon, 08 Dec 2014 07:27:46 +0000

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