Long gone may the days be where the people of the United States - TopicsExpress


Long gone may the days be where the people of the United States have the right to express themselves freely under the First Amendment. Obama just signed a bill into law secretly that allows for Secret Service to arrest anyone publicly protesting within their vicinity. The bill turned law, H.R. 347, has passed through congress with little objection from either side, or the American public. This could be on account of lawmakers sneaking it through congress allowing for no real discussion on the matter until after it was passed. (See also: Obama Secretly Places Ban On Free Speech) The law effectively allows for secret service, or anyone under secret service protection, to dictate public demonstrations. If they find anyone to be in violation of the law, people arrested would be charged with a felony and potentially subjectedto over a year in prison. We all remember this, right: Well now, it just might get you thrown in jail. H.R. 347 certainly isn’t the first act of aggression on the first amendment this administration has portrayed, but it certainly is the boldest. It’s no wonder the bill went through congress so silently because it gives Secret Service, and more importantly anyone under their protection, the right to control the atmosphere wherever they go. So if you know the president is going to be nearby and you decide to stand across the street holding a sign, you could be arrested and thrown in jail. (See also: Judge Rules That Obama Admin NSA Spying Is LEGAL) This violation of the freedom of speech is unacceptable and frankly, quite frightening. We all know, if you give a mouse a cookie, he’ll ask for a glass of milk, so what’s stopping politicians there? Why not restrict more negative speech on the President? How about the news? Maybe anything said online in a negative tone against the President will soon be banned. Who knows, in a few years with the NSA listening to your phone calls, Secret Service may just randomly show up and haul you away. Either way it’s a slippery slope but wrong no matter what way you look at it. Read the First Amendment and see if you can pick out what’s wrong here: “Congress shall make no law respecting an establishment of religion, or prohibiting the free exercise thereof; or abridging the freedom of speech, or of the press; or the right of the people peaceably to assemble, and to petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” H.R. 347 is in clear violation of the First Amendment being that it limits our free speech, our right to assemble peaceably, and to “petition the Government for a redress of grievances.” Isn’t this a country of the people, for the people and by the people? (See also: Retired U.S. General Destroys Obama Criticizing His “Amateur” Leadership) What purpose does a democracy have when all its citizen’s rights are taken away and leaders are given free rein to do as they please and arrest anyone that may oppose them? Sounds like something else doesn’t it? Isn’t that exactly what we fought for so many years ago, and what our forefathers made so perfectly clear trying to make sure it would never happened again? This is exactly what is so wrong with liberals—they will argue nonsense until they’re blue in the face in order to twist the constitutions words to fit their agenda. We’ve seen it with the Second Amendment, and now we’re seeing an all out assault on the first. What do you guys think—is this a sign of bigger things to come? Let us know what you think in a comment below!
Posted on: Thu, 26 Jun 2014 16:53:48 +0000

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