Look I know people who are gay that I love dearly! They were some - TopicsExpress


Look I know people who are gay that I love dearly! They were some of my closest friends in high school! I love them as much as I did then, but there is something that has changed in me since then, its called my salvation! Here is some unpopular preaching for you! Folks get ready, cause the Pope has now said that the church is preaching to much and to hard against gays, and other topics! The only way for this world to turn from there sins is to PREACH the TRUTH, and the TRUTH SHALL SET THEM FREE! The popr has also saidthat us, (the church,) needs to change with the times and be more modern! Well I got some unpopular preaching for ya! My GOD has not changed, in fact God said himself, I CHANGETH NOT! So if God did not love sin back then, he does not love it now. Yes we are to love yhe sinner and not the sin, but that does not mean we tell the sinner its ok what there doing. It is still not ok to sin! And if people take me off their facebook, that is perfectly fine with me! That just shows the conviction you have rolling around in your life. Watch out folks, Jesus return is drawing very near. The one world religion iscoming very soon! Call me a fanatic, call me a Jesus Freak! Thats fine, cause when this old boy gets caught up in the RAPTURE!, and I pray your with me, I pray you heed my warning, turn away from your sins, and accept Jesus as your Lord savior into your heart. But if you dont and you try to get in touch with me, but when my Jesus returns, dont call me cause I wont be here, you can call me Gone!
Posted on: Sun, 22 Sep 2013 17:52:45 +0000

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