Look, IF (BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD) you can even equate this analogy - TopicsExpress


Look, IF (BY THE SPIRIT OF GOD) you can even equate this analogy in your hearts, in your busy heads, in your minds, that have been so distracted by the things of this world. The things of absolutely no importance in the scheme of things. These things we chase, they ALL are bound to get cut down like weeds. (my hats off to you). If these words can touch your heart. Once upon a time, There was a court and its laws were irreversible, They (these just laws) condemned everyone because the laws just simply pointed out the crimes of the people . All of them were guilty, Their very existence from birth was a crime.. This was a result of the first creation and their disobedience.. The father of all creation, who is perfectly just, handed down the law, IN HIS MERCY and out of sheer love and genius, without contradicting himself, fulfilled every law, by sending HIMSELF ( a perfect God) by manifesting himself in a son, Who came to save us from his just and unchanging character. He needed to fulfill the contract.. Like men today, seeking a ransom, he demanded this of himself as a gesture of complete and perfect love.. This brings a fool to tears of joy and happiness. He came as foretold hundreds of times over a four thousand year period, Foretold through the prophets and indisputable historical documentation. Over and over showing Man, the type and shadow of his plan, Mercy and a relationship with the outcast sons of his own family... The more they rebelled the more grace was magnified. This was no mistake. God loved us soooooooooo much, He sent Jesus, as a man, an imperfect vessel (human flesh) to fulfill that law, and then punished his own and irreplaceable son (in our place) for the whole of his FLAWED creation, JUST SO THAT HE WOULD NOT HAVE TO KILL THEM ALL OUT OF HIS PERFECT JUSTICE. There is only ONE mediator between man and God.. That is Jesus. That is the Reality of it. It reflects perfect love, mercy and justice, You are justified if you believe.. I pray the faith strikes your heart and releases you from the fear of death. You are in serious trouble if you dont SEE this endless love of your creator and gracious loving DAD has bestowed upon you, All for one thing.. Confess it with your mouth and believe it in your heart that God sent Jesus and HE HAS RAISED JESUS from the dead. Yes the dead rise, Those in Christ will rise and live in love forever. LIVE FOR EVER GRACEBOOKERS.. Jesus sits at the right hand of God.. Our King and saviour
Posted on: Sun, 14 Jul 2013 08:33:18 +0000

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