Lord God our FATHER I just want to take some time this Christmas - TopicsExpress


Lord God our FATHER I just want to take some time this Christmas to say thank you for your wonderful gift to us. You gave your only SON Jesus. Lord this Christmas please keep my brothers and sisters that didnt make it home Christmas safe. Grant them peace of mind that everything back home is in your hands. Jesus please also grant the families of those drivers your peace that their driver is not just okay BUT in your care. Lord also I know that this might also cause strife in the family so Lord dont let Satan cause to much strife and let the families know that their driver wanted to be home. Father I pray that youll also draw each of us closer to you this Christmas. Help each of us NOT forget the real reason for Christmas. Lord for my brothers and sisters that dont know you Lord tug at their hearts till they just cant refuse you anymore. Bless each of my brother and sister drivers and their families this Christmas. Lord heal the broken hearted and cure the cancers or ANY other illnesses that Satan has attacked us all with. Satan you listen to me. Youre a liar and the father of them. I command you to flee from me and my brothers and sisters in Jesus name. I bind you and EVERY weapon you form against us this Christmas. You have NO authority in our lives. I loosen the miracle working, loving, and tender caring Jesus in our lives. Lord cover all of us in your blood. I love you and praise you Jesus for everything. AMEN Drivers let me first off say Merry Christmas. Now this Christmas lets not forget the real reason that we even have this celebration. My brothers and sisters that is because God so loved us that HE gave us HIS SON Jesus. (John 3:16) 3:16 For God so loved the world, that he gave his only begotten Son, that whosoever believeth in him should not perish, but have everlasting life. So lets not get so busy that we forget to give thanks for our GIFT from God. For those that dont believe in Jesus let me say this. God loved you so much He gave His ONLY SON to die on a cross for you. Could you honestly sacrifice your ONLY child? God did and HE did it just for you. So if youd like to experience the most amazing love that you couldnt EVEN fathom how awesome it is just cry out Jesus this Christmas. Jesus promises that if well confess our sins that HES faithful and just to forgive us. (1 John 1:9) 1:9 If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just to forgive us our sins, and to cleanse us from all unrighteousness. All you got to is accept Jesus through faith and believe that HE died for your sins. (Romans 10:9) 10:9 That if thou shalt confess with thy mouth the Lord Jesus, and shalt believe in thine heart that God hath raised him from the dead, thou shalt be saved. Now dont let Satan lie to you and say youve messed up to bad God cant love you because God is calling out for you and stretching out HIS arms waiting for you to accept Him. Also dont wait either because Satan will try and say tomorrow maybe not today BUT tomorrow might be to late. See once we die its to late. Once we pass away then its time for the judgment, NOT the final GREAT WHITE Throne Judgment BUT of your eternal destination.(Hebrews 9:27) 9:27 And as it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment: If you die knowing Jesus as your saviour and Lord youll go to HEAVEN but if you die before you accept your salvation through Christ youre going to spend eternity in the pit of Hell with Satan. So if youd like to receive the GREATEST gift this Christmas and experience the MOST intimate and truest love EVER then pray with me. Lord Jesus come into my heart today. I believe by FAITH that you died for the remission of my sins and that you rose from the dead. Wash me clean with your blood that you shed in my place. Thank you for saving me as I know that Im a sinner and CANNOT save myself. So I by FAITH know that youre my saviour. I love you Jesus and thank you for everything. AMEN Now if you just prayed that and meant it please let me welcome you into Gods loving family. If youd rather pray a similar prayer with someone get a hold of rather myself or brother Ron Mallonee and well be glad to GO BOLDLY to Throne of Grace with you. Now again drivers Merry Christmas and if you need me Im here. Pastor Bucky WTLC of Newark Ministries 7407552026
Posted on: Thu, 25 Dec 2014 15:27:07 +0000

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