Lord Jesus I want to thank You that You have made the way that I - TopicsExpress


Lord Jesus I want to thank You that You have made the way that I can close the devils door in my life. I want to thank You Lord Jesus that when You died at Calvary that is exactly what You did. I want to thank You that when You allowed Your precious blood to be shed just one drop of Your blood was sufficient as the sinless sacrifice for my sins, to break the power of evil because You were victorious over all the powers of Hell and death. I claim that power of the blood of Jesus Christ over my life today, and I thank You that now in the name of Jesus as I believe in You, I have been given the authority to close the devils door in my life. As I repent of my sins and wrong doings, I bring them to You at the cross and trust that I will be forgiven by You afresh today because I stand on what You did 2000 years ago when You said on the cross before You died, Father forgive them. They know not what they do. And Lord You forgave me that day, and then You said, It is finished. So Lord I stand today in the new covenant reality of what You made available to me, and not only did You close the door to the devils power in my life, but You also opened the door for Gods power to flow in my life. You made the way for the Holy Spirit, the gift of God to be released into the earth realm and for me to walk in the power of Your Holy Spirit today. I want to thank You for that in Jesus name. I want to acknowledge Your word where You say in Ephesians chapter 4 in verse 26-27, In Your anger I am not to sin that I am not to let the sun down while I am still angry, and to not give the devil the foothold or a door open. Lord Jesus I want to say to You I am sorry and ask You to forgive me where I have not heeded this word. Forgive me for where I thought that I could lead my own life without You for where Ive been disobedient to You and Your word. Where I have broken covenant with You. Forgive me where I have opened this door to the enemy through holding on to anger to offense or bitterness, or allow despair to come in where I have been hurt or betrayed or let down. Where I have not taken hold or for forgiveness that You have already given me at the cross, that You want me to flow to others. Today I choose to receive Your forgiveness for my wrongdoings, for my negligence, for the negative things that I have said in anger. As I bring all these things to the foot of Your cross Lord, I want to thank You that I am forgiven, that I can receive the power of Your forgiveness, that I can then give to others. Lord I also want to talk to You about how Ive not controlled my temper or my emotions. Where Lord as a friend of mine once said to me, Ive become temperamental sometimes when the hurts have welled up in me in being so overwhelming and so powerful. Father I come before You today and thank You for the healing of my emotions, and I remember that anger so often sits on other feelings such as grief or fear where despair is being able to come in, and I want to say forgive me for where I have not heeded Your word where You say. Where I have been in despair You ask me to put on a garment of praise to worship and praise You to pray to You even in the night hours. Lord You promised to give me the exchange through the cross, and today I take hold of it. I will be a person who will praise Your Holy Name. I will be a person who will worship You and remember Your Word in every situation. And I thank You I can bring all these things to You at the cross, and I see that You will take these through the cross and give me Your victory in my life now and for the days to come, and I pray also for those of my family, those whom I love, those whom I work with that You would do this for them to as well. Alert me Lord to the triggers where these things have taken me into the area of darkness, where the door of the enemy has been opened up, where I have tried to defend myself. I dont want to do that anymore. Today I yield these issues to You and any other that You would bring into my heart. Show me, show me more today and through this week that Lord I can bring my life to You at the cross for You to be my Lord and Savior again today. For You to strengthen me to stand firm in faith in You in the times of testing that will no doubt come. I thank You that I can stand firm under the promises of Psalm 91, I can stand covered under the shelter of Your wings as I put my trust in You and take refuge in You. I want to thank You that I can stand under the blood of the Lord Jesus Christ where the enemy no longer has any authority to torment me, particularly where I have forgiven people for where theyve hurt me and chosen to just let these things go, and today Lord I choose to just stop going down those old paths. I choose to leave these things behind and to walk forward into the new that You have prepared for me. And Lord I pray that the devil will regret that he ever messed around with me in my heart and my life in these areas, and I thank You through the blood of Jesus You have given me the power to triumph over evil, and I want to declare Psalm 37, I will not fret because of evil men or women. I will not be envious of those who do wrong for like the grass they will soon wither, like green plants they will soon die away. Lord I trust in You, and I will do good. I will dwell in the land and enjoy safe pasture. I will delight myself in You Lord, and You will give me the desires of my heart. I commit my way to You Lord I trust in You, and I trust that You will do this. You will make my righteousness shine like the dawn and the justice of my cause like the noon day sun. I will be stilled before You Lord and wait patiently for You. I will not fret when men succeed in their ways, when they carry out their wicked schemes. I will refrain from anger and turn from wrath. I will not fret because it leads only to evil. For evil men or women will be cut off, but those who hope in the Lord will inherit the land, and I praise You Lord Jesus. I put my hope in You alone, and I thank You I can pray these prayers in Your precious name. Amen.
Posted on: Wed, 06 Nov 2013 23:51:41 +0000

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