Lords Prayer taken out of Dr. Hamman School. As I read this - TopicsExpress


Lords Prayer taken out of Dr. Hamman School. As I read this headline in the Taber Times and Lethbridge Herald this morning I didnt think too much of it. Then I read the article. Too think that the compaints of one parent was enough to remove this morning ritual from the school was surprising. The mother stated that her son had been disciplined for not participating in the prayer and that her children were bullied by others when they removed themselves from the room while the class was saying the prayer. To me these are the problems that need to be addressed and spoken about, but to throw the prayer out is kind of like throwing the Baby out with the Bath Water. How extreme are we going to allow our part of the world to get when it comes to listening to the complaints of one over the wishes of the majority? I totally agree with the parents who are asking for a vote on the matter.
Posted on: Wed, 13 Nov 2013 21:37:34 +0000

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