Lose Weight with Moderate Balanced Nutrition Most people know - TopicsExpress


Lose Weight with Moderate Balanced Nutrition Most people know the basics when it comes to heatlhy eating to lose weight. You know that colorful fruits and vegetables are good for the you. And you also know that delicious French fry, fried up in toxic chemical waste that you are sticking in your mouth, is not good for you. But what is the point of living if you can’t enjoy food. Well we need to lose weight with moderate balanced nutrition. The results are feeling good, having energy, a happy outlook in life, reducing your risk of cancer and disease, and losing weight. Here are a few tips to help you lose weight without feeling deprived of lifes little pleasures. The goal of healthy eating is to develop a diet and lifestyle that you can maintain for life, not just a few weeks, or months. • Do changes slowly: Add one new fruit, vegetable, protein, or healthy carb. Go online and find a creative way to prepare it. Try something you have not tried before you might like it. • Wean yourself off stuff one-step at a time: change cakes, cookies, candy for healthy non-artificial colored popsicles then change the Popsicle to fruit. Change chips and crackers for popcorn then to celery and olives. • Plan your food: what are you going to eat for the week? Pack a lunch. Pack a snack. Put nuts in your purse. Do not go shopping hungry. • Skipping meals makes you eat more. Sucks up logical thought process of your brain and makes you make bad choices. • Putting food in a no-no list, just makes you want it more. So instead try a treat once a week or once a month, you will end up enjoying it more. • Eat until you are satisfied not over stuffed. Use small blue plates and have smaller portions. Yes, they did a study and found that the color blue helps you eat less. • Moderation is key: One glass of wine ok, the whole bottle not good. One beer ok, the six pack, not so much. One piece of chocolate ok, the whole bar, sorry nope. Once you start to slowly change the way you eat and think about eatting, less chemicals goes into your body which means less cravings. The body needs a balance of healthy carbohydrates, protein, fat, fiber, vitamins, and minerals. • Carbs: Yes, those darn vegetables again. Acorn squash with a dab of butter and cinnamon, yum • Protein; introduce yourself to the oceans garden, try some wild and free game, look up what a legume is. • Your body needs fat, ok fat from healthy Omegas not ice cream. • Fiber helps you lose weight by keeping you full, grabbing on to toxic material, and moving it out. You guessed it - veggies but don’t forget; fruit, legumes, healthy grains and seeds. Vitamins and minerals: Sadly, our soil is depleted of needed nutrients that seep into our food supply. We are not getting the daily dose of vitamins and minerals we need to ward of disease and control weight. Therefore, it is hard to lose weight with a moderate balanced nutrition without supplements. However, not all supplements are created equal. You must do your research and go with a healthy product rather than a popular one. I go in depth on V&M in another article but here are a few cool points. • Studies show that the more calcium in a fat cell, the faster the fat will burn. Calcium should come from vegetables and beans. Cow’s milk is for calves. • Sea salt, unbelievably, can also help you in weight management. Sea salt contains many essential trace minerals that you need for a healthy body. However, like everything else ……. moderation. • Low vitamin C can cause tiredness, weakness, and sore muscles. It may take a few months to adapt to a new habit, do not give up, and stick with it. The rewards are worth it. Do changes to your lifestyle slowly, one at a time and your body will fight against the changes less. Check out my website to get more tips on food, exercise, supplements, and more ways to lose weight with moderate balanced nutrition. eveventure/francine francineshealthytips francine.toolsrock/weightloss2index.html?id=1316 Have a Happy Healthy Day! Francine DISCLAIMER: I am not a doctor and anything said on this website, my articles, my blogs and any social networks are of course all ‘in my opinion’. It is recommended that any changes to your lifestyle should be discussed with your medical professional.
Posted on: Wed, 01 Oct 2014 18:57:43 +0000

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