Lottie was a widow who came to the Convalescent Center not long - TopicsExpress


Lottie was a widow who came to the Convalescent Center not long after we opened it. Her husband had waited on her hand and foot, they never had any children and very few relatives. Lottie would have been diagnosed Alzheimers by todays standards She had beautiful diamonds, kept losing them, rather hiding them. She would wrap her diamonds and her diamond watch in kleenex, hiding them in the most inappropriate places. It was standard procedure to go through her waste basket with a fine tooth comb. Her executor did not want the diamonds taken away from her. This both upset and worried George. Every night before she went to bed, she would hide them, every morning we would seek them. We once found them wrapped up in kleenex, tucked in an empty kleenex box in the trash can. The beauty of it is, when she died, she still had her diamonds...... She was ambulatory, dressed and fed herself but she would appear with her dress on first, then her slip and then her bra. It was a hoot, you couldnt convince her to change it, since it wasnt harming anyone, we didnt try. She was really spoiled, always had the best of everything, let everyone know it. In a way, I felt sorry for her because she was all alone, except for a few long time friends. She occupied one of the private rooms on the ambulatory hall, bringing many of her personal belongings to decorate it, floor lamp, comfortable chair, what not shelves with trinkets loaded with hiding places for her diamonds. Most of our patients wore easy washable clothing, Lotties all had to be dry cleaned. She had a beautiful afghan that I often admired. Her executor gave it to me when they cleaned out her room. Its draped over my couch in the Living room. I think of her every time I look at it......
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 02:14:06 +0000

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