Love: Freedom Or Possession How do we define love? It is a - TopicsExpress


Love: Freedom Or Possession How do we define love? It is a strange question isn’t it! The answer to this cannot be expressed in words. Is love a feeling, an emotion, or just a term used to define any relationship? Well there is no definition of love. I can only say that it is an active part of our life. We never experience any feeling or emotion as strongly as we experience love. Love can be in any form. The love for our parents, love for our friends, love for our god or the most commercialised love for our life partner. There must be a question on your mind that why I am again discussing love and relationship. Well, one topic can looked upon from various angles and secondly this topic is the one that has been widely discussed and debated on. But in this post I do not want to write about what is right or wrong in love or in a relationship. When we talk about love do we ever ask ourselves this question: ‘Is love about giving space and freedom to each other or is love about being possessive about each other?’ This question may sound blunt and reading this we all tend to answer that love is about giving space and freedom to each other. But when we look deep down do we actually give space and freedom to each other in love? Our love with our parents, do we give space to each other? If yes, then why do say that there exists a generation gap between us and our parents? Why do we tell our parents “You people will never understand how we kids feel? Why do our parents tell us “You are no matured enough to do this!”? We question our parents and our parents question us. Then how are we giving space and freedom to each other. Our love with our friends, do we give space to each other? If yes, then why do we feel bad when our best friend goes and talks to some other person? Or our best friend does not share a secret with us? Isn’t this known as the possession for each other? Our love with our life partner, do we give space to each other? I am not experienced enough to comment on this but from looking at the people around me I can say this. If we do give space then why is it that today divorce has become so common? And the common statement each couple gives after divorce is “We were not compatible for each other!” At one instance you are compatible with each other and at the very next moment you are not compatible with each other? There are many questions but no definite answer. Love is within us, it is an emotion we feel from our heart. Whether love is about freedom or possession? I don’t know! But maybe you do! The only way I could find to end this post was by saying this beautiful line… “Love is always patient and kind. It is never jealous. Love is never boastful or conceited. It is never rude or selfish. It does not take offense and is not resentful.”
Posted on: Thu, 20 Mar 2014 10:13:05 +0000

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