~Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom & Justice~ ~Love~ Is an intense and - TopicsExpress


~Love, Truth, Peace, Freedom & Justice~ ~Love~ Is an intense and affectionate concern for others. It embodies caring, respect, acknowledgement, and admiration, conjoined with benevolence and mercy. ~Truth~ Is the quality of being true and allied senses; Honesty, uprightness, virtue, integrity, righteousness. Truth is also the Character of being, or the disposition to be, true to a person, principle, cause, etc. ~Peace~ Is the absence of noise, movement or activity. Peace is freedom from, or the cessation of, war or hostilities; that condition of a nation or community in which it is not at war with another. Peace is a ratification or treaty between two powers previously at war; a state of peace, concord, and amity with a person; or with a nation of people. ~Freedom~ Is the exemption from, the release from; and/ or the absence of forced servitude, usury, ignorance, slavery, imprisonment, or the like etc. Freedom is also exemption from arbitrary control; colonial imposition, a "Color-of-Authority", a "Color-of-Law", a "Color-of-Office", etc. Freedom is the quality of existing in a state of ease, and facility; an "In Full Life" status, etc. ~Justice~ Is the quality of being morally just or righteous; the principle of right and just dealing with self and with others; just conduct; integrity, rectitude; the observance of "Divine Law", etc. ~Islamism~
Posted on: Tue, 20 Aug 2013 20:44:13 +0000

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