Love is a chemical imbalance in the brain. When you fall in love - TopicsExpress


Love is a chemical imbalance in the brain. When you fall in love with somebody, in a way the love hormone blinds you. It doesn’t allow you to take note of any flaws that your partner may have and even if you do notice, you continue to ignore them. It’s just something your body makes you do while you are under the love spell. To put it in the simplest of words, being in love means that something in your brain just isn’t right! Sometimes it’s very hard to understand how relationships work. Who wouldn’t wish that they were straightforward and simple? But sadly that’s just not how they work. The strangest thing is when you see couples that were once so madly in love with each other and now can’t even stand the sight of one another or have become so bitter and abusive towards one another towards the end of the relationship. Doesn’t it make you wonder what went so terribly wrong? They seemed inseparable sometime ago. Things start to fall apart when the love wears off and you come back to normalcy! When reality finally kicks in you start to realize that your partner may not be as perfect as you once thought he/she was. The imperfections finally start to show. They may have bad habits that drive you insane, they may purposely push all the wrong buttons to tick you off, they may not be your type or they may just not be good people in general. In most cases, such relationships fall apart and both men and women eventually decide to part ways and move on with their lives with people who they would be more compatible with. In other cases, because of the strong emotional or physical attachment that the couple may share with another, they decide to drag it on and then the never-ending battle of compromise and misery begins! Even though they both may know deep down that they are not meant for each other, they still don’t let go. They feel that because of their commitment to each other it would be easier to change who they are so that their partner is more accepting of them. They go for what seems easy but not what they know they should do. Things then just keep on getting more complicated. Things that they would once happily compromise on, they are no longer willing to do. Their true personalities break through and they want what they want. They are sick and tired of giving in. They become selfish and think about just themselves. Their partner’s happiness no longer matters and the only person they love or feel sorry for at the time is themselves. Love makes you soft and gentle but at the same time it can make you bitter and hard-hearted. At this point, relationships become emotionally abusive. The stronger party gains control and starts to dominate the weaker one depriving them of their basic rights. They manipulate them into thinking that they are always at fault and they don’t have a right to be happy. This is the worst kind of abuse because there are no physical scars but the unseen wounds take a lot longer to heal. The luckier ones eventually break free and after suffering almost a lifetime of heartache, they learn to start over. There are others that keep throwing themselves into the fire over and over again till they burn to ash and disappear.
Posted on: Thu, 26 Sep 2013 21:03:21 +0000

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