Luis Gonzales and Mayor Paul Diaz both paid off their houses on - TopicsExpress


Luis Gonzales and Mayor Paul Diaz both paid off their houses on May 28, 2014. That is a remarkable coincidence, or something is awfully wrong. As I understand each paid over $100,000.00. Why are both of these guys so interested in bringing Pasadera drug rehab to town? Why did it take them so long to turn in their budget. Just wondering, just wondering. just wondering. Former South Tucson City Manager Luis Gonzales and Mayor Paul Diaz are still insisting on helping PASADERA bring its drug rehab to our city and across the street from our school. This does not make sense, our city will not get any more revenue from Pasadera and it will only bring negative effects to our poverty stricken city. Pasadera will deter businesses from locating in our city because more drug addicts on our streets will scare customers away. Food City has already said that it may leave our city if Pasadera brings its drug rehab to the neighborhood. No one in our community will get anything positive out of Pasadera coming to town. Why are Luis Gonzales and Mayor Paul Diaz so interested in PASADERA? WHAT’S IN IT FOR THEM? It just does not make sense. They both know the property is not zoned for a drug rehab and so does PASADERA. ktar/22/1788959/Study-Arizona-most-corrupt-state-in-US
Posted on: Thu, 15 Jan 2015 00:34:09 +0000

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