Lynne stared at the phone. Nearly thirty two years together and - TopicsExpress


Lynne stared at the phone. Nearly thirty two years together and her husband was leaving her and going to Hong Kong. He had it all organised, another woman had taken care of that. The wife wasnt necessary. She sighed and remembered a trip theyd taken there many years back when the children were small and how theyd both been so excited to be there as a family. Not this time though.This time hed chosen to leave them behind. She sighed deeply again as the full magnitude of his announcement hit her and then she thought of all the girl time ahead of her, the romantic movies she could cry over, not having to have dinner on the table at 6.30p.m. every night, No suits or shirts to clean and press for work, no alarms going off at the crack of dawn.No email sounds from his phone in the middle of the night because hed forgotten to turn them off. No did you get my message or I forgot to tell you that I have a meeting and wont be home until late tonight. Of course now shed have to put the garbage out herself, take the dog out in the dark to to do his business at night, kill her own spiders even, and thered be no delivery of the night time cup of tea, but shed done that stuff herself before and she could do it again. She smiled slowly and thought about all the girl time and freedom ahead of her. He was only going for four weeks, long enough to miss each other heaps but only just long enough to give her a nice break from routine..and thered be presents! Hmm duty what would she really like? :)
Posted on: Mon, 14 Apr 2014 05:23:12 +0000

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