MAKING IT UP MEMORY VERSE: lie not one to another, seeing that - TopicsExpress


MAKING IT UP MEMORY VERSE: lie not one to another, seeing that ye have put off the old man with his deeds, Colossians 3:9. BIBLE IN ONE YEAR: Num 29, Ps 73, Isa 21, 2 Pet 2 A lie is a lie no matter how you paint it. As far as it is void of the truth, it is a lie. There is nothing called half truth, it is either a lie or the truth. No matter how you phrase it or put it, as far as it is not the whole truth it is a lie. If there is a tiny bit of a lie in a story, the whole story is a lie. Galatians 5:9 says a little leaven leaveneth the whole lump. One aspect of lying is making things up i.e. when something is not there and you say it is there, it is a lie. No liar will make heaven. Why? According to John 8:44 the devil is the father of lies and no child of the devil will be permitted in heaven. Proverbs 12:22 says a lying lips are abomination to the Lord; but they that deal truly are His delight. When we talk of making things up, it does not necessarily have to be telling a lie. There are many who without opening their mouth make things up. All they need to do with their pen is add two extra zeros and 500 becomes 50000. Another example is found in many CVs today. People want to sell themselves to their prospective employers so they begin to come up with experiences they do not have or funny references. If it is not true then it is a lie! There are some who are still living a life of lies. An example of this is acting holy. Holiness is not an act but a lifestyle. You can fool men into believing anything but you cannot fool God who sees inside and out. To be pure outside you need to be inside first. This is why the holy word of God says that blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God, Matthew 5:8. There are many who who make things up with their actions.There many today who dye their hair immediately they begin to notice grey hair coming out. Whether you believe it or not this is a form of lie. You give people an impression that your hair is dark when it is actually grey! One of the biggest lie in the church of God today is the use of make-up. As the name implies you are making things up i.e. you are making something that is not there appears as if it is there. This is all what make up is all about; giving people false impression. As brothers you should not be attracted to make-up but character, besides what is the point of engaging with someone who is not sincere with basic things like the length of her hair or her nails. It is better to know that a sister has pimples before marriage than to find out next morning after marriage when the make-up is all gone. Sisters be wary of a brother who wants you make-up first before he falls in love with you. The reason why he wants you to make-up first is because he does not like the real you and honestly immediately that make-up goes off that brother will run away. Sisters be careful of a brother who loves to be told a lie because such brother do not value the truth and the chances are he will tell you a lie. KEYWORD: A lie is a lie regardless of who is saying it and how it is presented. Bro Samuel - Reaching the world for Jesus
Posted on: Fri, 07 Mar 2014 09:38:43 +0000

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