MALING PANINIWALA ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY The world has been debating - TopicsExpress


MALING PANINIWALA ABOUT SOLAR ENERGY The world has been debating solar energy for decades. Yet many of the things we think we know about solar go back to the earliest arguments. Many of the debating points we hear today are based on outdated facts and assumptions that simply just don’t hold up anymore. So, here is a look at a few persistent myths held by both supporters and critics of solar energy, and why they are just that – myths. Myth #1: MAHAL ANG SOLAR COMPARED TO OTHER SOURCES Not at all true. Right now, solar energy is actually already cheaper than coal and nuclear at every step. Costs for small-scale solar panels fell by about 13% in the past year, driven largely by cheaper components and overall advances in developing the technology. With no cost for resources to burn, solar also has no added long term cost. The only resource needed is sunlight, and we are going to enjoy that for several billion years to come. There’s also the question of hidden costs. Fossil based fuels, for instance, has nasty side effects, including air pollution, health impacts and carbon-dioxide emissions that contribute to global warming. Nuclear plants have decommissioning costs, waste storage and liabilities that aren’t always fully priced in. Personal solar energy has never been cheaper, and the initial investment is also all you are going to spend. No added cost, no grid fees and no bills. All the energy you harvest is directly yours to enjoy! Myth #2: SOLAR BAGAY LANG SA WARM CLIMATES WITH CLEAR SKY While its true that solar panels generate more electricity during a clear day, that is not to say that they do not work while its cloudy. Solar panels work with any and all incoming light, and will generate electricity perfectly fine during cloudy days. On a similar note the average temperature or climate in a region has little effect on solar panels. In fact, solar panels are actually slightly more efficient at producing electricity in cold temperatures. So even if you live in a colder climate that is further north, your solar panels will work just fine. Surprisingly, Germany, a northern country not generally known for sunny skies, is a world leader in solar photovoltaic energy. Myth #3: SOLAR MAHIRAP I MAINTAIN That’s certainly not true. Having no moving parts means they require no or hardly any maintenance. In fact, you just have to keep them clean from dust for maximum efficiency, so if you live in a rainy climate, they’ll virtually keep themselves clean. Myth #4: SOLAR USELESS SA GABI Granted, the sun does not always shine, and with no sun there cannot be any solar energy – right? While there is truth to this myth, it is far from the whole story. Solar energy systems are more often than not also connected to a battery source, storing excess energy for future use. In any personalized energy system this is key. When the sun shines the system will produce electrical energy, which is then stored in the battery. Come night time, and the sun sets, the system is then supplied by the battery, which has been charged with solar energy. With the recent advancements in battery technology personal energy users can now store energy more effectively. Lithium-ion batteries are currently steadily replacing the old lead batteries, making for a longer lasting, more environmentally friendly battery. Put simply – yes, with a proper battery you can still use solar energy at night. Myth #5: SOLAR MABABA EFFICIENCY AT DI PUEDE COMMERCIALLY When first introduced solar did little to make a big dent on the worlds energy markets. When solar panels were first introduced commercially in 1955 they only had a 2% efficiency, and was only capable of energizing our low-energy vanity gadgets. Out of this the most persistent myth concerning solar energy was born; solar is only for small toys, and will never supply enough energy to cover any real needs. Fast forward to 2014 and we have a 95% efficiency rate for solar panels, capable of energizing most all household products. Given that solar may not be in a position to solve all our energy problems right now, but its potential for the future is great. Remember, we’re talking about leaching energy from a luminous and titanic star – one that steers an entire system of planets, our atmosphere and life as we know it. The solar energy that strikes the Earth in just one day alone could cover the combined energy needs of the entire planet 300 times over! With the advancements in battery technology, electric cars are today competing in Formula 1 races. The new series “Formula E” saw its first race in Beijing 2013, and has quickly gained a ton of huge sponsors. Thanks to the instant torque provided by the electric motors, the cars can accelerate to 100 km/h in just three seconds.
Posted on: Thu, 18 Dec 2014 13:24:27 +0000

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