MANIFESTATION OR HARD WORK? I came home after being gone for a - TopicsExpress


MANIFESTATION OR HARD WORK? I came home after being gone for a month, and after a few days, I took a Day of Rest. Here I am in my hammock, on my lanai. I can barely believe how fortunate I am to have created this reality for myself. Take some deep breaths while you imagine yourself here! The practice of taking Holy Days is something that I teach in the RMA Mystery School (Rejuvenation Manifestation Ascension). Manifestation begins in the Silence, in the Emptiness, in the merging of your I AM Presence with All That Is. This is where your inspiration and creativity take root and grow. There are two ways to try to bring about the reality that you want: one is hard work – and it might be accompanied by a little meditation. The other is through Union with God—taking the time to meld your own I AM Presence with All That Is -- out of which comes pure inspiration, creativity and quite possibly hard work. But this hard work is directed from a wisdom place within; it is joyous and energizing and when you take the time to stop and listen, you always know exactly what to do. On the other hand, as soon you feel that you are driven, youre no longer connected with divine inspiration and the work becomes tedious and painful. What you create from this place is ego-driven and less likely to inspire others or yourself. Anther thing: Once you get what you’ve asked for, it is So Important to take the time to ENJOY what you have manifested! This is one way that you give back to the Universe, because whenever you are deeply in Gratitude, you are exuding an energy that is literally the Elixir of Life, because it feeds everyone and everything that it touches. The 2015-16 RMA Mystery School begins on February 4th. For more information, please go to my website at RMAmysteryschool
Posted on: Sat, 24 Jan 2015 06:08:23 +0000

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