MANY ARE WONDERING HOW DOES A PERSON BECOME A CHRISTIAN AND “LIVE FOREVER? TWO ROADS --WHICH ONE LEADS TO ETERNAL LIFE? . There are two ways people choose in seeking to become “Christians” and “live forever.” There are two roads Christians travel, the narrow road and the wide road. . Hi COME EVERY WEDNESDAY (11 PM - 1 AM Eastern) (10-12 Central) (9-11 Mountain) (8-10 Pacific) Stay a few minutes or stay for the 2 hours and Pray and Talk and Sing and Listen with me! (Call in: 530-881-1400 with access code of 888-974 #) There are two ways people choose in seeking to become “Christians” and “live forever.” There are two roads Christians travel. Jesus spoke of these two ways, these two roads, in His first sermon. The majority of those who seek to become “Christians” and “live forever” choose the “wide” popular “broad” “way” because it is the “easy” way. But Jesus says that only those who choose “the narrow gate,” the more “difficult” gate will have eternal life. He says “Enter by the narrow gate; for wide is the gate and broad is the way that leads to destruction, and there are many who go in by it. Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it.” Furthermore He says that those who enter the popular “wide…gate” and “broad…way” will bear the “bad fruit” of disobedience. (1) “MANY” PROFESSED CHRISTIANS ARE INWARD WOLVES IN SHEEPS CLOTHING! (2) “FEW” ARE GOD’S SHEEP IN SHEEPS CLOTHING – WHICH ARE YOU? Many - Outwardly look like God’s sheep but inwardly (where we cannot look they are “ravenous wolves.” Just as an apple tree that bears no apples is cut down and burned up. The same will happen to the many who outwardly look like God’s sheep but are unwilling to go through the narrow gate. Jesus calls them “false prophets, who come to you in sheep’s clothing, but inwardly they are ravenous wolves.” Matthew 7:15. And He tells us their fate. He says, “Every tree that does not bear good fruit is cut down and thrown into the fire. Therefore by their fruits you will know them.” Matthew 7:18-19. I know of a famous preacher who entered this wide gate. I will not tell you his name because I do not wish to hurt his loved ones. Many of you would recognize him as a “great Christian revivalist!” He spoke in a college I attended and spoke well. People thought very highly of him. I purchased some of his books. But he did not have a living connection with Jesus. He lived an immoral life on the side. He had on the sheep’s clothing but inwardly he was a “ravenous wolf.” I hope he repented before he died or he will end up like the fruitless apple tree, “cut down and thrown into the fire.” Matthew 7:18. . Jesus, 2,000 years ago spoke to a religious leader who had gone through the “wide gate” - the “broad way” and told him “unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God” and ‘You must be born again.’ John 3:3,7. Is there hope for you have chosen the wrong gate - the “wide gate,” the “broad way?” Could you or I be on the road “that leads to destruction and not know it? Are you following the “many” or are you following the one who says ““If anyone desires to come after Me, let him deny himself, and take up his cross daily, and follow Me.” Luke 9:23. . Is it possible for a great Christian leader, preacher, evangelist, self proclaimed prophet to be traveling the wrong road, the one that “leads to destruction” while claiming to be on the road that leads to everlasting life? If we believe Jesus it happens all too often. Jesus speaks about the “MANY” who preach and says, “MANY will say to Me in that day, ‘Lord, Lord, have we not prophesied in Your name, cast out demons in Your name, and done many wonders in Your name?’ And then I will declare to them, ‘I never knew you; depart from Me YOU WHO PRACTICE LAWLESSNESS!” Matthew 7:22-24. Jesus tells us that the “MANY” who preach in His name are PREACHING LAWLESSNESS,” that since we are saved by grace, God’s law was nailed to the cross and we will be saved in disobedience to one or all of God’s Commandments. Those who preach this way are FOOLISH deceived men and women. SECRET RAPTURE? . Jesus warned us that there is a storm coming that all must pass through. Jesus leaves us no room for a secret rapture. The rapture (coming) of Christ is no secret. He will come after the final test, after the final storm. Just as Noah went through no secret rapture and Jesus said, “as the days of Noah were, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be. For as in the days before the flood, they were eating and drinking, marrying and giving in marriage, until the day that Noah entered the ark, and did not know until the flood came and took them all away, so also will the coming of the Son of Man be.” Matthew 24:37-39. . THE STORM IS COMING AND THOSE WHO BELIEVE AND TEACH THAT GOD’S LAW HAS BEEN DONE AWAY WITH WILL PERISH! . Jesus ended His first sermon with these words, ““Therefore whoever hears these sayings of Mine, and does them, I will liken him to a WISE MAN who built his house on the rock: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it did not fall, for it was founded on the rock. Matthew 7:24-25. “But everyone who hears these sayings of Mine, and does not do them, will be like a FOOLISH MAN who built his house on the sand: and the rain descended, the floods came, and the winds blew and beat on that house; and it fell. And great was its fall.” Matthew 7:26-27. . You see eternal life is given to those who invite Jesus into their hearts to write His holy law of love (the Ten Commandments) in their hearts. So obedience is not just something we seek to do to get to heaven but is in the heart and manifests itself by loving God – obeying the first four commandments and loving man – obeying the last six commandments. This is the NEW COVENANT – God tells us in Hebrews 10:16 - “This is the covenant that I will make with them after those days, says the LORD: I will put My laws into their hearts, and in their minds I will write them.” And if God has written them in our “hearts” and our “minds” we will walk and talk and live obedient lives saved by grace, infilled with the Holy Spirit. It is the Devil who seeks to “FOOL” Christians into thinking “I’m once saved, always saved so I can live an immoral life and profess to love Jesus and have eternal life.” Jesus says NO WAY! – “I am the way” You must enter the narrow gate and walk the narrow road filled with the power of the Holy Spirit. . HOW? . Jesus tells us to “take up the cross and follow me.” Many preachers interpret that as “take up the crown and follow me.” But Jesus does not offer us a crown until we have carried His cross in a life of self-sacrifice and service. Carry the cross – not a metal around your neck but humbling yourself, willing to take the lowest spot in this life to lift others up – investing your talents, your time and your money in purchasing gospel tracts and books, like The Great Controversy and distributing these like “the leaves of autumn.” . HOW? - . HOW can we enter “the narrow gate?” HOW can we be “born again?” HOW can we “take up the cross and follow” Him? He gives us the secret beginning in the very same chapter, Matthew seven. He says “Ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened.” Matthew 7:7-8. Jesus repeats this in Luke 11:9-13 and explains that the only way we can enter the “narrow gate,” “take up the cross,” and “walk the narrow way” with God’s law written in our hearts is though believing His promise and asking for the gift of the “Holy Spirit” that He promises to those who “ask” Him. . THE OBJECT OF THE HOLY SPIRIT: . (1) God sends His Holy Spirit to draw the sinner to Jesus guiding him to confess his sins, walk through the “narrow gate,” be “born again” and “take up the cross,” and follow Jesus in the “narrow” road. . (2) God sends His Holy Spirit to write God’s commandments in the heart of the child of God who spends time daily learning and believing God’s promises and God’s Word. One of the commandments that the Holy Spirit writes on the heart is the one that says, “Go therefore and make disciples of all the nations, baptizing them in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Spirit, teaching them.” Matthew 28:19-20. The person who has a “hunger and thirst” to understand God’s word and carry this “good news” to others has a sign of the infilling of the Holy Spirit.” On the other hand, a lack of “hunger and thirst” to learn and teach others is a sign of a lack of the Holy Spirit. Speaking in “gibberish” has never been and never will be a sign of the infilling of the Holy Spirit. . (3.) God sends His Holy Spirit to help the child of God to realize his daily need of constant conversation with Jesus in both verbal and silent prayer -- “Blessed are those who HUNGER and THIRST for righteousness, for they shall be filled.” Matthew 5:6. Jesus speaks back to you in every promise of His Word. “So with all the promises of Gods word. In them He is speaking to us individually, speaking as directly as if we could listen to His voice. Ministry of Healing, page 122. . MEMORIZE GOD’S PROMISES - FOR IN THEM HE IS SPEAKING TO YOU HIS “GRACE, POWER, COURAGE, HEALING, FAITH AND VITAL ENERGY! . It is in these promises that Christ communicates to us His grace and power. They are leaves from that tree which is ‘for the healing of the nations.’ Revelation 22:2. Received, assimilated, they are to be the strength of the character, the inspiration and sustenance of the life. Nothing else can have such healing power. NOTHING BESIDES can impart the courage and faith which give vital energy to the whole being. {Ministry of Healing, page 122.} (4) God sends His Holy Spirit to give the child of God the ability (tongues – not the gibberish) to communicate clearly the “everlasting gospel” to the world (see Revelation 14:6-10 and Matthew 28:19-20) “So I say to you, ask, and it will be given to you; seek, and you will find; knock, and it will be opened to you. For everyone who asks receives, and he who seeks finds, and to him who knocks it will be opened. If a son asks for bread from any father among you, will he give him a stone? Or if he asks for a fish, will he give him a serpent instead of a fish? Or if he asks for an egg, will he offer him a scorpion? If you then, being evil, know how to give good gifts to your children, how much more will your heavenly Father give the Holy Spirit to those who ask Him!” Luke 11:9-13 ETERNAL LIFE IS BASED ON TWO CONDITIONS (1) BE “BORN AGAIN” AND (2) “WALK IN THE LIGHT” John 3:3,7 & 1 John 1:7 Jesus answered and said . . . unless one is born again, he cannot see the kingdom of God.” ‘You must be born again.’ Everyone who wants to have eternal everlasting life must be born again. But if we walk in the light, as he is in the light, we have fellowship one with another, and the blood of Jesus Christ his Son cleanseth us from all sin. John 3:3,7 & 1 John 1:7 . SO - HOW DOES A PERSON GET BORN AGAIN? . AS your conscience has been quickened by the Holy Spirit, you have seen something of the evil of sin, of its power, its guilt, its woe; and you look upon it with abhorrence. You feel that sin has separated you from God, that you are in bondage to the power of evil. The more you struggle to escape, the more you realize your helplessness. Your motives are impure; your heart is unclean. You see that your life has been filled with selfishness and sin. You long to be forgiven, to be cleansed, to be set free. Harmony with God, likeness to Him--what can you do to obtain it? . GOD WANTS YOU TO GRASP AND BELIEVE HIS PROMISES THAT HE WILL MAKE YOUR SINS AS WHITE AS SNOW AND GIVE YOU A NEW HEART -- - AS YOU DO, YOU RECEIVE HIS GIFTS OF FORGIVENESS, PEACE AND LOVE ---- THEY COME GIFT-WRAPPED IN HIS PROMISES . It is peace that you need--Heavens forgiveness and peace and love in the soul. Money cannot buy it, intellect cannot procure it, wisdom cannot attain to it; you can never hope, by your own efforts, to secure it. But God offers it to you as a gift, without money and without price. Isaiah 55:1. It is yours if you will but reach out your hand and grasp it. The Lord says, Though your sins be as scarlet, they shall be as white as snow; though they be red like crimson, they shall be as wool. Isaiah 1:18. A new heart also will I give you, and a new spirit will I put within you. Ezekiel 36:26. . CONFESS YOUR SINS - IN HEART PUT THEM AWAY - DECIDE TO GIVE YOURSELF TO GOD - ASK HIM TO WASH YOUR SINS AWAY AND GIVE YOU A NEW HEART AND BELIEVE HE DOES BASED ON HIS PROMISE . You have confessed your sins, and in heart put them away. You have resolved to give yourself to God. Now go to Him, and ask that He will wash away your sins and give you a new heart. Then believe that He does this because He has promised. This is the lesson which Jesus taught while He was on earth, that the gift which God promises us, we must believe we do receive, and it is ours. Jesus healed the people of their diseases when they had faith in His power; He helped them in the things which they could see, thus inspiring them with confidence in Him concerning things which they could not see--leading them to believe in His power to forgive sins. This He plainly stated in the healing of the man sick with palsy: That ye may know that the Son of man hath power on earth to forgive sins, (then saith He to the sick of the palsy,) Arise, take up thy bed, and go unto thine house. Matthew 9:6. So also John the evangelist says, speaking of the miracles of Christ, These are written, that ye might believe that Jesus is the Christ, the Son of God; and that believing ye might have life through His name. John 20:31. . WHEN YOU BELIEVE HIS PROMISE - THAT HE MAKES YOU WHOLE - YOU RECEIVE HIS POWER AND BECOME SPIRITUALLY WHOLE . From the simple Bible account of how Jesus healed the sick, we may learn something about how to believe in Him for the forgiveness of sins. Let us turn to the story of the paralytic at Bethesda. The poor sufferer was helpless; he had not used his limbs for thirty-eight years. Yet Jesus bade him, Rise, take up thy bed, and walk. The sick man might have said, Lord, if Thou wilt make me whole, I will obey Thy word. But, no, he believed Christs word, believed that he was made whole, and he made the effort at once; he willed to walk, and he did walk. He acted on the word of Christ, and God gave the power. He was made whole. . IF YOU BELIEVE GODS PROMISE - CONFESS YOUR SINS - GIVE YOURSELF TO HIM TO SERVE HIM -- GOD DOES HIS PART AND GIVES YOU WHAT HE PROMISES - A NEW HEART - THEN YOU CAN SAY I BELIEVE CHRIST HAS GIVEN ME A NEW HEART BECAUSE HE PROMISED. . In like manner you are a sinner. You cannot atone for your past sins; you cannot change your heart and make yourself holy. But God promises to do all this for you through Christ. You believe that promise. You confess your sins and give yourself to God. You will to serve Him. Just as surely as you do this, God will fulfill His word to you. If you believe the promise,--believe that you are forgiven and cleansed,--God supplies the fact; you are made whole, just as Christ gave the paralytic power to walk when the man believed that he was healed. It is so if you believe it. Do not wait to feel that you are made whole, but say, I believe it; it is so, not because I feel it, but because God has promised. . BELIEVE THAT GOD CLEANSES YOU FROM THE SIN YOU CONFESSED TO HIM. BELIEVE THAT HE HAS ACCEPTED YOU AS A NEW BORN CHILD AND WILL GIVE YOU THE POWER TO LIVE A HOLY LIFE! . Jesus says, What things soever ye desire, when ye pray, believe that ye receive them, and ye shall have them. Mark 11:24. There is a condition to this promise--that we pray according to the will of God. But it is the will of God to cleanse us from sin, to make us His children, and to enable us to live a holy life. So we may ask for these blessings, and believe that we receive them, and thank God that we have received them. It is our privilege to go to Jesus and be cleansed, and to stand before the law without shame or remorse. There is therefore now no condemnation to them which are in Christ Jesus, who walk not after the flesh, but after the Spirit. Romans 8:1. . THROUGH THE SIMPLE ACT OF BELIEVING GOD - THE HOLY SPIRIT HAS PUT NEW LIFE IN YOUR HEART - YOU HAVE BECOME A NEW BORN CHILD OF GOD - PART OF THE FAMILY OF GOD! . Henceforth you are not your own; you are bought with a price. Ye were not redeemed with corruptible things, as silver and gold;... but with the precious blood of Christ, as of a lamb without blemish and without spot. 1 Peter 1:18, 19. Through this simple act of believing God, the Holy Spirit has begotten a new life in your heart. You are as a child born into the family of God, and He loves you as He loves His Son. . EVERY DAY SAY I AM CHRISTS -- PLEASE GIVE ME YOUR SPIRIT AND POWER -- YOU CAME TO CHRIST BELIEVING HIS PROMISES - NOW WALK EACH DAY TRUSTING HIS PROMISES . Now that you have given yourself to Jesus, do not draw back, do not take yourself away from Him, but day by day say, I am Christs; I have given myself to Him; and ask Him to give you His Spirit and keep you by His grace. As it is by giving yourself to God, and believing Him, that you become His child, so you are to live in Him. The apostle says, As ye have therefore received Christ Jesus the Lord, so walk ye in Him. Colossians 2:6 . WHAT ARE THE ABCs OF PRAYER? . A = ASK THAT HE WILL WASH AWAY YOUR SINS AND GIVE YOU A NEW HEART . B = BELIEVE THAT HE DOES THIS BECAUSE HE HAS PROMISED . C = CLAIM HIS BLESSING NOW . Some seem to feel that they must be on probation, and must prove to the Lord that they are reformed, before they can claim His blessing. But they may claim the blessing of God even now. They must have His grace, the Spirit of Christ, to help their infirmities, or they cannot resist evil. Jesus loves to have us come to Him just as we are, sinful, helpless, dependent. We may come with all our weakness, our folly, our sinfulness, and fall at His feet in penitence. It is His glory to encircle us in the arms of His love and to bind up our wounds, to cleanse us from all impurity. . GODS PROMISES CONTAINING HIS GIFTS OF STRENGTH, PURITY AND RIGHTEOUSNESS ARE FOR YOU! . Here is where thousands fail; they do not believe that Jesus pardons them personally, individually. They do not take God at His word. It is the privilege of all who comply with the conditions to know for themselves that pardon is freely extended for every sin. Put away the suspicion that Gods promises are not meant for you. They are for every repentant transgressor. Strength and grace have been provided through Christ to be brought by ministering angels to every believing soul. None are so sinful that they cannot find strength, purity, and righteousness in Jesus, who died for them. He is waiting to strip them of their garments stained and polluted with sin, and to put upon them the white robes of righteousness; He bids them live and not die. . God does not deal with us as finite men deal with one another. His thoughts are thoughts of mercy, love, and tenderest compassion. He says, Let the wicked forsake his way, and the unrighteous man his thoughts: and let him return unto the Lord, and He will have mercy upon him; and to our God, for He will abundantly pardon. I have blotted out, as a thick cloud, thy transgressions, and, as a cloud, thy sins. Isaiah 55:7; 44:22. . THE DEVIL WILL TRY TO TAKE THIS AWAY FROM YOU BUT YOU MUST NOT PERMIT HIM TO DO THIS. SAY JESUS HAS DIED THAT I MIGHT LIVE. HE LOVES ME, AND WILLS NOT THAT I SHOULD PERISH GO TO GOD AND SAY I HAVE SINNED AND AM NOT WORTHY TO BE CALLED YOUR SON (OR DAUGHTER) AND GOD, WITH COMPASSION WILL RUN TOWARD YOU AND KISS YOU . I have no pleasure in the death of him that dieth, saith the Lord God: wherefore turn yourselves, and live ye. Ezekiel 18:32. Satan is ready to steal away the blessed assurances of God. He desires to take every glimmer of hope and every ray of light from the soul; but you must not permit him to do this. Do not give ear to the tempter, but say, Jesus has died that I might live. He loves me, and wills not that I should perish. I have a compassionate heavenly Father; and although I have abused His love, though the blessings He has given me have been squandered, I will arise, and go to my Father, and say, I have sinned against heaven, and before Thee, and am no more worthy to be called Thy son: make me as one of Thy hired servants. The parable tells you how the wanderer will be received: When he was yet a great way off, his father saw him, and had compassion, and ran, and fell on his neck, and kissed him. Luke 15:18-20. . But even this parable, tender and touching as it is, comes short of expressing the infinite compassion of the heavenly Father. The Lord declares by His prophet, I have loved thee with an everlasting love: therefore with loving-kindness have I drawn thee. Jeremiah 31:3. While the sinner is yet far from the Fathers house, wasting his substance in a strange country, the Fathers heart is yearning over him; and every longing awakened in the soul to return to God is but the tender pleading of His Spirit, wooing, entreating, drawing the wanderer to his Fathers heart of love. . GOD SPEAKS TO YOU AND SAYS I WILL NOT FORGET YOU . With the rich promises of the Bible before you, can you give place to doubt? Can you believe that when the poor sinner longs to return, longs to forsake his sins, the Lord sternly withholds him from coming to His feet in repentance? Away with such thoughts! Nothing can hurt your own soul more than to entertain such a conception of our heavenly Father. He hates sin, but He loves the sinner, and He gave Himself in the person of Christ, that all who would might be saved and have eternal blessedness in the kingdom of glory. What stronger or more tender language could have been employed than He has chosen in which to express His love toward us? He declares, Can a woman forget her sucking child, that she should not have compassion on the son of her womb? yea, they may forget, yet will I not forget thee. Isaiah 49:15. . COME AND CLAIM HIS BLESSING FOR GOD IS YOUR HELPER . Look up, you that are doubting and trembling; for Jesus lives to make intercession for us. Thank God for the gift of His dear Son and pray that He may not have died for you in vain. The Spirit invites you today. Come with your whole heart to Jesus, and you may claim His blessing. . As you read the promises, remember they are the expression of unutterable love and pity. The great heart of Infinite Love is drawn toward the sinner with boundless compassion. We have redemption through His blood, the forgiveness of sins. Ephesians 1:7. Yes, only believe that God is your helper. He wants to restore His moral image in man. As you draw near to Him with confession and repentance, He will draw near to you with mercy and forgiveness. prophecymadeeasy . CHAPTER 6 - STEPS TO CHRIST - FAITH AND ACCEPTANCE . SUBTITLE - HOW TO BE BORN AGAIN . Re-read this and if you are not born again, follow the instructions and choose to be born again today and to walk with Jesus accepting the POWER of His promises and His gift of His Holy Spirit that is inside His promise - See Luke 11:5-13. And claim this promise throughout each day and find victory over sin and death! . THE THIRD ANGELS MESSAGE - REVELATION 14:12 . Several have written to me, inquiring if the message of justification by faith is the third angel’s message, and I have answered, “It is the third angel’s message in verity.”—The Review and Herald, April 1, 1890. (Evangelism, page 190) . HIGHLIGHT COPY AND PASTE THIS MESSAGE INTO YOUR OUT GOING EMAILS AND ALSO SHARE IT ON FACEBOOK PLEASE -- AND TELL EVERYONE OF GREAT CONTROVERSY PROJECT - . https://facebook/groups/186755384854355/ E. G. White, the author of THE GREAT CONTROVERSY writes -- THE GREAT CONTROVERSY should be very widely circulated. It contains the story of the past, the present, and the future. In its outline of the closing scenes of this earths history, it bears a powerful testimony in behalf of the truth. I am more anxious to see a wide circulation for this book than for any others I have written; for in THE GREAT CONTROVERSY, the last message of warning to the world is given more distinctly than in any of my other books.--Letter 281, 1905. {CM 127.1} . GOD’S WARNING MESSAGE CAN GO, THROUGH “THE GREAT CONTROVERSY” INTO PLACES WHERE YOU CANNOT GO! . THE GREATEST RESULTS OF THE DISTRIBUTION WILL TAKE PLACE IN THE FUTURE . The results of the circulation of this book [The Great Controversy] are not to be judged by what now appears. By reading it, some souls will be aroused, and will have courage to unite themselves at once with those who keep the commandments of God. But a much larger number who read it will not take their position until they see the very events taking place that are foretold in it. The fulfillment of some of the predictions will inspire faith that others also will come to pass, and when the earth is lightened with the glory of the Lord, in the closing work, many souls will take their position on the commandments of God as the result of this agency.--Manuscript 31, 1890. {CM 128.4} . GOD SPEAKS TO THE PERSON READING THE GREAT CONTROVERSY CALLING THEM TO PREPARE FOR HIS SOON COMING . “God gave me the light contained in THE GREAT CONTROVERSY and Patriarchs and Prophets and this light was needed to arouse the people to prepare for the great day of God, which is just before us. These books contain Gods direct appeal to the people. Thus He is speaking to the people in stirring words, urging them to make ready for His coming. The light God has given in these books should not be concealed.” {CM 129.1} GOD SPEAKS THROUGH THESE BOOKS TO THE MINDS AND HEARTS OF THE READERS It cannot be denied that these works were not the product of any human mind; they are the voice of God speaking to His people and they will have an influence upon minds that other books do not have.--Manuscript 23, 1890. {CM 129.2} https://facebook/groups/186755384854355 . THE GREAT CONTROVERSY WILL HELP MANY UNDERSTAND GOD’S LAST WARNING MESSAGE AND BE READY TO MEET JESUS WHEN HE RETURNS PLANT A SEED FOR JESUS - The Seed is the Word of God (Luke 8:11) The harvest is the end of the world and the reapers are the angels. Matthew 13:39. Plant this seed and reap a wonderful harvest when Jesus comes! Most of this message is available for you to distribute in the link here which is a tract that you can buy and distribute for only 5 cents apiece. Use the other 22 tracts to help you be a missionary to your community, to your neighbors, and to your family! - You may read them each right here BEFORE you order them for wide distribution
Posted on: Sun, 14 Sep 2014 21:45:12 +0000

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