MARRIAGE! Marriage is an act of commitment or covenant between - TopicsExpress


MARRIAGE! Marriage is an act of commitment or covenant between ONLY two people, who have decided and made up their mind that come what may, they will be with each other as long as they both have breath, to love and be loved, to share joys and sorrows, ups and down and to confront the whole world – if need be, together and in ONE ACCORD. To procreate as the fruit of their commitment – or not, but as ONE with ONLY GOD as their witness and invitee! Once they are decided, the only thing left for them to do is to just be together, all others are just that –all others! Any family member that wants to show support is welcome –but from a distance! If it happens that they are needed close for economic or other reasons, they should keep their interference to the minimum but be happy for them! Once the couple have been fully established, if they like they can go to their place of worship – or not, but for law’s sake, they must go to the City Hall to make it legal! Planning a party or not is totally their choice, where they may or not invite family and friends to share the news and rejoice with them, because it is an occasion of joy, for it is written if a man finds a wife, he finds a good thing and obtains favor of the Lord! Abraham travelled with Sarah and later made her his wife and they lived happily ever after! Isaac just received and took his wife, Rebecca into his mother’s tent and they lived happily ever after! Jacob was given his wives and did not have to involve families and they lived happily ever after! Joseph the husband of Mary just took her for his wife and they lived happily ever after! Jesus was invited to a wedding in Cana of galilee, not to officiate but to celebrate with the family. P.S. Happily ever after doesn’t mean they do not have any scuffles, this is to be expected in any place we find more than one person living together. Statistics have shown that most marriages contracted between more than two parties are often rife with troubles that escalate more than normal. Traditional weddings, despite the rigorous rituals involved do not guarantee happiness in the home. It is often said that our mothers had to suffer in silence, bearing all the insults and abuse of their husbands, just to keep their home intact. Western wedding usually ends in divorce almost as soon as it is celebrated. Church weddings – the parties suffer in silence, keeping the “status quo” for shame, until they could bear it no more and split, they and are no better than any other types. Many men of God who preside over the marriage rites themselves are living a lie and just “keeping up appearance” like Hyacinth of BBC program with same title! Many of them have concubines and second homes or “TEAMS” as they are called, in the midst of the congregation or elsewhere, while smiling in traditional family Photo in the name of God! (As if he is blind and deaf and powerless!) Many get married just to get married; many couples do not even like each other but are willing to settle for name and position, and just to be addressed as “MRS”. Many men don’t even know why they do get married, but they just have to for various reasons. Once there is no commitment on both sides right from the beginning, it doesn’t matter how great the wedding ceremony is, it is only a matter of time before it begins to burst at its seams! Many resort to unmentionable things to hold on to their man or woman, and it never lasts! When are we going to know that God has everything written for us to follow? If as a man, you are blessed enough to find a woman that you love and loves you, invite the Lord as a witness and declare before him knowing He is all Seeing all Knowing all Powerful and by grace through Faith in Jesus Christ, He will honor your commitment and release His holy Spirit into the union to guide you through all pitfalls and you will come out victorious as you enjoy the company of each other until Christ comes! Families are important – as long as they are there just for moral or financial support as the case may be, and let you grow and form your own families and make your own mistakes and correct them, as the Lord leads! It will be difficult for either party to deceive or abuse or take each other for granted or allow any third party– including the devil, to get a foot-hold in the union, because they are united in Christ and are one in Him. The bible is not a suggestion for living – it is the very code of and for living, use it and you will be surprised what you will see! God bless you all! And for you who are already married, simply, go back to the beginning, pretend you just met and invite Jesus Christ into your midst and according to the revealed word in the scriptures, and declare to yourselves serious commitment or oath or covenant, to have a marriage of heaven on earth, and see if you will not begin to see the difference immediately for a threefold cord is not easily broken, when God is the third CORD! PEACE
Posted on: Tue, 28 Jan 2014 04:23:22 +0000

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