MASSAGE FROM A 16yo GIRL IN NAURU DETENTION This is a translation of a letter I have recently received from a 16 years old Iranian girl who is currently locked up in Nauru detention centre. THIS IS A CRY FOR HELP. please dont ignore and share. thank you. Morteza Poorvadi There are protest here every night, so many have tried to commit suicide and attempted self harm with drinking shampoo, soap and whishing powder. my dad along with five others have sawed their lips, people are holding protest every night and our slogans are freedom, Justice, Sarah Hanson Help. O God help us and save us from here. we will stand our ground in peaceful protest and will not use violence against any officers. situation here is very tense, many have sawed their lips, everybody cry at night, nobodys in good mental health everyones attempting suicide five under age have committed self harm with glass.... some older people wanted to cut their own neck arteries ..... Im a 16 years old girl who is tired of life. I want to kill myself X please take my cry to the world we are calling on all Journalist. we are sending request of help to Sarah Hanson even with thousand hurdles on our way, we are still try to take photo and film from the protest and sawed lips. please I beg you if its possible tell my massage to the world. Thank you I really need help
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 14:51:52 +0000

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