MAYAN MESSAGE Oc 13 Decrease Fear, Increase Love Channeled - TopicsExpress


MAYAN MESSAGE Oc 13 Decrease Fear, Increase Love Channeled by Theresa Crabtree I am Oc 13. We welcome this time with you with great gratitude, for many are listening to our words and integrating the necessary changes in their lives. As you begin to expand your mind and open to unlimited possibilities, you are becoming more aware of how powerful you are, even while encased in a physical body. There is no stopping what you can do! We wish to remind you that love-based thoughts are light and flow freely among the universe, giving all in its path an uplifting moment. Many feel the experience, not knowing from whence it came. You may be having a fond memory of someone and in that moment, that thought travels in an instant to the person you are thinking of. On the other side of the globe, that person for an unknown reason feels a little tingly, perhaps has a fleeting thought of you and the good times you enjoyed together. He may call you and be surprised to hear you say, “I was just thinking about you!” You are all telepathic; this skill can be honed. As the Veils thin, more people are finding their psychic skills are developing, as well. There are countless stories of people seeing extra-terrestrials and spirits, having déjà vu experiences and clearer telepathic communication. There are many books on how to develop your skills. Decrease any fears associated with psychic abilities and increase your love for all life. It is the ability to tap into the higher frequencies of love that allows these abilities to manifest more freely. In order to conquer your fears, you must face them. Just as a bully often backs off when his target steps up to him, your fears will dwindle and back off when you boldly confront them. Changing the behaviors that kept the fears intact also requires effort and courage, for this is your public statement that you are changing something inside yourself that no longer serves you. You may be encouraged by some and ridiculed by others, but stand fast to your truth and press forward. Your love will exponentially increase with each fear you release, for you cannot hold on to both at the same time. If you are having an issue with a loved one and harboring anger, hate or frustration, you will block the flow of love. Although some love may filter through, when your time together is going well, the flow is still constricted due to the lower frequencies still targeted towards that person. It is similar to using a straw to sip a strawberry milkshake. At first, the drink flows freely and then a bit of strawberry partially clogs the straw. You can still sip the shake, but it takes more effort. Then more bits of berry get stuck in the straw, completely blocking the drink from passing through. Although the parts of the shake you ingest are sweet and desirable, the effort it takes to drink it becomes frustrating. When the straw gets clogged, to clear the connection, you have to blow with great force through the straw. This happens often in relationships. Frustration builds until one person blows up at the other. Tension is relieved until the bits of berry clog the passage once again, repeatedly needing to be blown out. When the straw has repeatedly clogged, there comes a time when the sipper says, “That’s enough!” and throws aside the straw. He then drinks the shake without the use of a straw, consuming it in its entirety. Often, in relationships, the very same thing occurs. One tries to reach the other and after several unsuccessful attempts, she reacts out of frustration and built-up anger, lashing at the other person with a vengeance. At this point, the other person feels consumed, sometimes not knowing why the other person is so upset. When most enter relationships, they are wearing rose-colored glasses. Everything is going well, until the other person goes against your will. At that time, if your foundation is based on expectations that others will hurt you, that you are unlovable and such, you will react based on these belief codes. Although your partner may be having no malicious thoughts towards you, the scenario you have created in your mind has you reacting as though his intentions were malicious. The partners you choose will be operating on their own fear-based foundations. Thus, when you react to something that is triggered within you, they in turn will react to something you said or did that triggered an unresolved issue in their life. Thus, wars are waged in the schoolyard, the bedroom and boardroom. When each of you individually faces your fears and feelings of inferiority and overcomes them, you will begin to have functioning relationships. It is mandatory that you fully love and honor yourself before you can do the same with others. There is no other way to love someone truly from the heart. Many of you think you are doing this until the object of your affection refuses to be the person you expect them to be. Take time every day to go within and find the fears and low energy belief codes and release them. This will open doors to choosing belief codes that are lighter, moving you closer to making love-based choices. Selamet! Oc 13
Posted on: Wed, 23 Apr 2014 20:08:19 +0000

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