MEDIA PUSHES MORE CULTURE ROT Liberals too-often turn to the - TopicsExpress


MEDIA PUSHES MORE CULTURE ROT Liberals too-often turn to the race card to try and silence those with whom they disagree. From such media hacks as Toure to pompous academics like Michael Eric Dyson to B-list celebrities like Whoopi Goldberg, the right to speak freely has been increasingly endangered. On Thursday, the Blaze’s Will Cain joined the ladies on The View to discuss the recent ridiculousness from comedian Russell Brand who compared Fox News to the murderous terrorist group ISIS. The segment turned testy as the conversation turned to society’s unwillingness to endure offense and Cain and Goldberg had a war of words. “We elevate words to the most harmful thing in society. How dare you say something that could offend somebody How dare you say something that hurts my feelings?” Cain stated. “Why have we gone to this place where words are the worst thing in the world?” It’s a fair point. As Voltaire once famously quipped, “I may not agree with what you say, but I will defend to the death your right to say it.” Goldberg would have none of this tolerance of offensive speech and interjected, “Let me tell you why. Because we have a history of utilizing words to harm people and hurt people. And the people who have been on the other side of it, I think are at the point where they’re saying, this is not okay anymore. Cause at some point we have to all grow up.” “And verbal abuse is sometimes worse than physical abuse,” another opined. No- it isn’t. The hosts began pouncing, pretending that there exists some unwritten right to remain free from insults and offense. Goldberg noted, “What you can do is say ‘You know what, don’t use that Redskin thing anymore. I’m not comfortable with it.’ ‘Don’t say this word, cause I don’t like it.’ ‘I’m Irish, and I don’t like it…’ Any one of these groups has the absolute right to say ‘this has been harmful, this has hurt my parents, this has hurt my grandparents and don’t use it anymore or you’re gonna hear about it, or use it and don’t be surprised if people are pissed.’” “We’ll all be out of business,” said Cain. “Everybody’s offended all the time, from the Fighting Irish, to the Redskins…” At this point, Goldberg resorted to the all-too-typical liberal response and played the race card. “That is spoken like a true white guy,” said Goldberg angrily. “Maybe,” Cain said. “That’s what I am.” “That is spoken like a true white guy,” she repeated again. “And I don’t mean it in a bad way.” Cain summarized his argument in conclusion: “My argument is not that there’s no such thing as offensive words. It’s how do you react to them. You don’t shut people up because you disagree or someone said something offensive, you roll on with your life.” This level of intolerance is purely unacceptable if we wish for our society to progress. We advance thought and principles through dialogue and if we maintain that some speech is okay while some is not, we arbitrarily limit the ability to communicate effectively as a civilization. Further, such blatant racism should not hold a place in intellectual discussions. Goldberg will continue to perpetuate her own ignorance so long as she “writes-off” the well-founded words of opponents simply because they come from a “white guy.” Have we arrived to a place in society where only people of color are entitled to register a legitimate thought? Should the ramblings of a 90’s celebrity of color somehow trump the thoughtful analysis of a political commentator simply because she’s black and he’s white? Goldberg and other media bullies need not agree with those espousing conflicting viewpoints, but to so flippantly disregard a perspective based on the color of one’s skin is not only incredibly racist, but an impediment to progress in society and a better understanding of our world. tpnn/2014/06/28/typical-liberal-whoopi-goldberg-silences-guest-by-spouting-racism/
Posted on: Sun, 29 Jun 2014 18:02:20 +0000

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