MEDIA RELEASE IGIS REPORT INTO “Mr E” IS A TRAVESTY; COVER-UP OF MISTREATMENT OF WRONGLY ACCUSED ASYLUM SEEKER IGNORES THE BIG MISTAKE. The long-awaited Inspector-General report into the treatment of “Mr E” - the so-called Egyptian terrorist - at the hands of Immigration, ASIO, and the AFP is disturbingly flawed, according to Refugee Action Coalition spokesperson, Ian Rintoul. “The report is a complete white-wash that does nothing to correct the wrongs that have been inflicted on Sayed and his family. The report shows no respect for human rights,” said Ian Rintoul. “Unless ASIO and every other department faces up to the fact that the big mistake they made was to not check the Red Notice, the IGIS report will only ensure that human rights will be abused in the future,” said Ian Rintoul. “Astonishingly, none of the recommendations addresses the big mistake made by Immigration, ASIO and Immigration - fact that the Egyptian Red Notice was a fabrication. Nothing is in place to ensure that this mistake, and the shocking mistreatment of this family, will not happen again. “The report ignores the internationally available information that Red Notices, particularly from Egypt – are regularly issued for political purposes. “Although all Australian authorities had information that contradicted the Red Notice, but they systematically ignored that information for months. In fact, Sayed and his family remain separated in detention because they will not face up to the mistake they have made.” The report attempts to sanitise the mistreatment of the family. Sayed and his family have been separated at Villawood detention centre for almost 12 months on the basis of an incorrect Red Notice. “There is nothing in the report that indicates any re-assessment even when they are forced to admit that the Red Notice was incorrect. Sayed and his family are victims of a political trial by the Egyptian military regime. They are now victims of successive Australian governments because the authorities could not be bothered to check facts that had been out under their noses,” said Ian Rintoul. “FOI documents show that the Australian authorities systematically hid information from Sayed because they were more concerned about extraditing an asylum seeker to a country known for its human rights’ abuses than protecting someone fleeing such obvious persecution. “Sayed and his family clearly have a basis for making genuine protection claims. The Immigration department has sent a recommendation to the Minister, but so far the Minister refuses to allow him to apply for a protection visa. Justice demands that the family is re-united and that his protection claims are properly considered. The family should be released from detention,” said Rintoul. “The Red Notice was always a fabrication. I gave all the information about the trial in Egypt to Immigration when I arrived in Australia,” said Sayed Abdellatif, from Villawood detention centre, “But we are still being treated like criminals. The effects of detention have taken a big toll on my family. At least our family should be allowed to live to live together.” For more information contact Ian Rintoul mob 0417 275 713
Posted on: Thu, 13 Mar 2014 22:28:07 +0000

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