MERRRY MERRRY MERRRY Wednesday, 1st of October, a pinch & a gentle - TopicsExpress


MERRRY MERRRY MERRRY Wednesday, 1st of October, a pinch & a gentle punch, for the 1st day of the month, he he he, MORNING my pretttys...WOWEEE hey, OCTOBER...ha, I turned my calendar over & VOILA, LOADS of things are entered into this month, YAY...Busy busy busy, hey, how much do we complain about being busy, blesss, I see it as keeeping myself ENTERTAINED, he he he...When we get bored, we think tooo much...Also, I seem to have no trouble drifting off to sleep at night, because I have beeen BUSY & ones bod & brain, are ready to switch into dream land...ha...I put it out there, for you ALLL, to be LOVING what your doing busily, feeeling AMAZING & GRATEFUL for all that you have...Accepting that we cannot change the things we cannot change, but we CAN CHANGE the things we CAN CHANGE...oooh, 6 sleeeps until surgery & 2 days later, having a celebration for my 1 year of no breasts, ha, getting a cake made tooo, ha, should be interesting there Cake-a-licious, he he he...WOOO HOOO, I sooo will be celebrating MORE SOOO, at this party & forever more, as I can sooo loook BEHIND me & *CHEEERS it, wish it to go to Cancerland, stay there, do NOT collect anyone when you go past GO...Au revoir Cancer, for you & I will not merrry meet again my not sooo friend...MWAH...How GOOOD does that FEEEL, he he he...TOPS & IS the icing on the cake, he he he...Mollys birthday, Oncologist visit, Laughing sesssion, LOADS of GROOOVY things, YAY...How does the 15th November sound to you Janelle, Roxanne, Rach & Katrina for Monte Cristo sleeepover??? he he he...Just to keep the momentum going, he he he... Capricorn, the Goat, keeeps on a trying, never giving up...The planets up there, are going to be bringing some intense vibes down here this month, ha, it IS Halloweeen month, ha...Now, the trick with it is, any vibes, either goood or negative, WE CAN CONTROL ourselves, our minds are SOOO POWERFUL, blesss hey...For me, yeah, I can get a frown happening, but I dont take it out on anyone, I calm the farm, by meditating, helping another, laughing, having full faith that ALLL is well...In saying this, oooh, I felt a NEGATIVE as energy around me last night, bless them, sooo I invoked the help of Jesus, Angels, you name it, I asked for their help...YAY...As for him, the negative energy, he was healed, he was blesssed & now a HAPPPY energy...*CHEEERS to that...One can be staunchly independant, I was tooo, until I couldnt do for myself...BLESSS...I kept thinking, If that was my friend & they didnt let me help, I would be upset...Be your best friend, ask for help if you neeed help...mwah...There is help out there, you just have to ask, blesss, sounds easy for me, for some of you, blesss you, I send you the HELP you are wanting to ask for, but feel you cannot, MWAH...*CHEEERS to that...LOVE yas... he he he, Tarots at it again, ha...Try not to be tooo independant, tooo stubborn, aaagh, CHANGE, no way...BLESSS YOU...There is someone wanting to make you an offer of help, hey, give it a go, you never know, this could be the OPPPORTUNITY to re-assess & re-evaluate your LIFE for the BETTTER...YAY...Bring it ON for ALLL of your HIGHEST GOOODS, Amen & Blesssed be... Welll, there you go, again & again, Tarot is SPOT ON with what is going on in this blesssed world...My guides are SPOT ON with what is going on, *CHEEERS CHEEERS CHEEERS to that I say...LOVE you guys to PIECES, he he he...LOVE you ALLL tooo...Blesssings go to each & everyone of you...mwah... Welll my gorgeous ones, I have spaces available today, Friday & Saturday morning...MWAH...Monday also & will be the eve of my operation, ha, sooo if you would LOVE to come & keeep me BUSY, PLUS have the help you NEEED, WOOO HOOO, he he he...ALLL GOOODLY...I have a CT scan on Thursday, YAY & *CHEEERS to there being NO cancer, HA, take that again & again & again you bas***d...he he he...Have yourselves a GRAND day, FILLED with LOVE, light, health, happiness, PEACE, FAITH, trust, PATIENCE, excitement, optimism, positivity, healing, abundance, strength, honour, FUN, cancelling alll that is negative for you & goood ol MAGIC/MAGICK, ha, still having a moral dilemma with this spelling, ha...LOVE the MAGIC that is in EVERY day, it is in the wind, it is in the treees, our birds, nature, EVERYWHERE...ha, the 3 gorgeous girlies I merrry met yesterday, spoke about asking for help...You can even try it when you want a car park, he he he...Sooo, offf they merrrily went, blesss, asked where to get a coffeee & VOILA, they were guided & had a car park right out the front of STIR, he he he, & what a stir they had, he he he...GROOOVY hey...Thanks be to ALLL that bring the goood to us alll, it is our choice in how we want to be, not anyone elses fault really, blesss...ALLL in ALLL realms, I THANK YOU...mwah...Sooo mote it be & let it harm not one single soul please & thank you...AMEN & BLESSSED BE...MWAH...LOVE yas, LOVE yourself, LOVE ALLL...Have a GRAND day...MWAH... #feeelinggratefulandsuccessful
Posted on: Tue, 30 Sep 2014 22:05:52 +0000

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