MINUTES OF MASHAM PLAYERS AGM- 2014 Present Kathy Boyer, - TopicsExpress


MINUTES OF MASHAM PLAYERS AGM- 2014 Present Kathy Boyer, Ron Smith, Sue Smith, Marilyn Broad, Carol Sykes, Lin Blyth, Frank Bailey, Glenys Bailey, Jonathon Trenholme, Julie Prescott, Helen Kennedy, Pam Grimsditch. Apologies Kathryn Holland 1. Minutes from 2013 AGM Subject to the misspelt names, Lin not Lyn and Carol not Carole, these were agreed as a true and accurate record with no matters arising. Proposed by PG and seconded by LB. 2. Chairman’s Report KB read from her report (see attached). She outlined the year just passed which unfortunately included her decision to pull “Alo Alo Alo Is There a Body La” shortly before performance. She did however hope to stage the play in Spring 2015 with some adjustments to the casting. 3. Treasurer’s Report See attached report. The accounts mainly relate to “Agatha Crusty” performed in the Autumn 2013 and this made a profit of just under £700, after deduction of approximately £1400 from the income of £2100. Additional income for the Players had been generated by the sale at auction of fur coats from the costume store, the purchase of play scripts and advertiser income for what would have been the Spring production but which has been passed over for the Autumn play. There were expenses incurred from the cancelled play amounting to £843.54, mainly relating to the hire of the Town Hall but these were not as much as they might have been as the Town Hall had not charged for late cancellation for the hire of the Hall. For the year, there was an excess of expenditure over income of £132.14 but this included £225.00 the licence for the next production Autumn 2014-The 39 Steps. 4. Election Of Officers KH has resigned as Business Manager and Committee Member and JEP once again asked to step down as Caretaker Secretary. After some discussion, it was agreed that the duties of the Business Manager could be split between the Players’ members according to the needs of any particular production, the co-ordination to be overseen by KB as Chair and with reference to the Business Checklist. Some discussion about advertising, posters and photos. The role of the Secretary to be taken on by RS, proposed by PG and agreed unanimously. JEP to draft the minutes for this AGM. 5. Election of Committee There are 9 people on the Committee at the moment and it was decided not to increase this number at this time. 6. Autumn Production. JEP stated that this is progressing very well even with a large cast. The main outstanding issues were those of costumes and some props (handcuffs). Some costumes were to be sourced from the Players’ own costume store and the members themselves. Otherwise JEP is visit “Dress Circle” near York. 7. Spring Production KB announced her intention to stage “Alo Alo Alo, Is There a Body La?” in Spring 2015 although there were some comments made about casting. KB said that she would effectively review and recast as appropriate. The play requires a cast of 8 men and women and will be staged 26th, 27th and 28th March 2015. This is to be announced in the next programme. 8. After Show Supper/Christmas Meal As Social Secretary, PG canvassed views on whether to have a meal before or after Christmas and whether to go to the White Bear. It was decided that after Christmas would be better as being a quieter time, but preferably early enough in the New Year so as to still enjoy the festive decorations. The White Bear was chosen in view of the support they have given to us with regards to rehearsal space. 9. After Show Supper/Thursday Evening It would not be possible to have any supper for the Autumn production other than on a Friday evening due to pre booking of the downstairs hall. It is also clear that the ladies would like to stop after many years of providing the supper which began originally for members of other societies and for concessions. It is conceded that the supper is a draw for some members of the Thursday audience but the question is whether the Players should provide such refreshments at all and if so, on what days and who will prepare the food and clear up afterwards. SS proposed a vote to discontinue the supper, seconded by RS and agreed by a vote. 10. Contact List JEP suggested that the existing contact list needed overhauling as it included many names only marginally involved with the Players, if at all. It was agreed that the list be divided into Friends (eg those who come and see the plays), Active Members (eg on and off stage and who pay subs) and Honorary Life Members. This is a new category and would be offered to as a Thank You to long standing members who have devoted a good deal and time and effort to the Players’. It was suggested that HLM be given to Joan Allen, Basil Sturdy, Brenda Lewis, Dorothy Brownless and Elsie Taylor. This was agreed unanimously with details to be discussed at Committee. 11. AOB FB enquired about buying an interface which would be used as a bridge between the sound and lighting desks and the equipment provided at the Town Hall. This would cost approximately £200 and could be used for other productions. Once the Town Hall equipment was upgraded, the interface could then be sold on. This was agreed upon. JT suggested that the Players pay a hire charge to North Stainley for the use of their equipment. This was agreed upon. The Players are still looking at the best sized shed for storage at the rear of the Town Hall-the bigger the better but this would need planning permission. This is to be progressed by a working party consisting of JT, RS and GB. It was suggested that the date of the AGM be set well in advance and it was agreed that this be determined as Sunday the 19/7/15 to coincide with the Summer Barbecue. The dates for the November play, although this has not been decided upon, are to be booked. KB has suggested that a Googlebox account be opened-this would operate as a calendar and allow easy amendments to the website. There is no constitution for the Players and therefore no requirement about minimum/maximum numbers on the Committee and attendant duties and responsibilities. FB & GB have been asked to look into this and to bring a sample constitution from groups they are connected with. Also the Fearby Panto Groups constitution. The meeting was concluded at 9.20pm. The attached reports will follow. Two dates will be set for the committee meeting and the read through of the next play. Ron Smith
Posted on: Mon, 22 Dec 2014 15:57:13 +0000

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