MIRACLES When I was new to ACIM it seemed confusing because I - TopicsExpress


MIRACLES When I was new to ACIM it seemed confusing because I couldn’t understand what it was telling me. My confusion was compounded by the meanings I gave the words I was reading. One day I was so frustrated that I was ready to quit. I hollered out loud that I did not understand what the Course was saying and if someone didn’t help me out I was going to throw the book away. Instantly, the Voice in my Head said, “This is a course in mind training. Stop trying to figure it out. Just do what IT SAYS.” I remember saying, “Okay, show me what it is I am supposed to do.” When I opened the book again I clearly saw that each of us has a choice to make. In its own words ACIM was telling me the choices are that we are always either one with the Creative Force of the Universe or we are separate from it. It also said that only one of the choices is true and that I would waste a lot of time if I chose separation instead of oneness as the true answer. After reading about the difference between two choices, I chose Oneness, but I didn’t know yet what to do about it. However, since the Voice in my Head had said, “Just do what it says,” I started reading the book and doing what it told me. After experiencing some extraordinary miracles over a period of time I learned that whenever I admitted I did not know what to do, Life stepped in, picked me up in its hands and gave me more goodness than I would even have known to ask for. Common sense told me that Oneness had to include everyone with nobody left out. But I saw then and I still see now, that people are struggling to figure out what ACIM is telling them, instead of trusting what it tells them to do. How simple it is really. It only takes an instant in any situation to remember that I can act from separateness or Oneness and that Oneness holds the value. Making the choice for Oneness and seeing the miracles that resulted eventually became pretty natural. Sure, sometimes I forgot. But, the results showed me I had gotten “off course.” The obvious solution was to ask to be shown what to do about that. ACIM is very clear in telling us over and over and over in every chapter that we are one with the Creative Force of the universe. It doesn’t say some people are and others are not. It says all of us and that we are all entitled to miracles. It also says we will be guided to miracles when we learn to ask without adding our own ideas to what the answer should be. So why should you or I continue to make decisions alone when the awesome power of the universe is waiting to guide us. It simply makes no sense to try to go it alone and struggle when the universe is waiting for us to ask, “Show me.” If you find yourself caught up trying to figure something out by looking at various solutions you can think of, or you are angry or sad, feeling guilty or depressed, your first step is to admit that your best bet is to STOP TRYING TO FIGURE IT OUT, and instead to start asking the Oneness of the Universe to show you what to do that will be in the best interest of all concerned. You can do it! If you have questions or comments about my message please feel comfortable in contacting me at dianes831@gmail or on my Diane Silverman Facebook page. No fee. Just, Love and Joy.
Posted on: Mon, 25 Aug 2014 03:11:50 +0000

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