"Sen. Sanders said, Here’s where they come from. They are - TopicsExpress


"Sen. Sanders said, Here’s where they come from. They are funded in a significant way by billionaires like the Koch brothers, who want more tax breaks for the rich and for corporate America. Now, these guys don’t have the guts to stand up to big money, so what they try to do is take out people’s anger against low and moderate income people. We’ve been hearing that line since Ronald Reagan, so called welfare queens. But the bottom line is right now, poverty today at forty six and a half million is higher than it has ever been. Middle class is disappearing. People are working longer hours for lower wages. Many people in America who walk into food shelters have jobs. Maybe, they have two jobs. But they’re getting paid eight or nine bucks an hour, can’t feed their families. At the end of the day what you are talking about is incredible cruelty and arrogance for a party representing the wealthy and the powerful to punish poor and working people. That is immoral, and by the way if we get this sequestration budget passed for another year, it will mean the loss of 900,000 jobs in America. These are bullies who are beating up on helpless people in many cases, and representing the rich and powerful. They don’t impress me."
Posted on: Mon, 23 Sep 2013 22:50:33 +0000

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