MONDAY WITH MILLER WRESTLERS WRESTLE, & BURGER KING GUYS FLIP BURGERS I GUESS. Let me start out this weeks addition of MONDAY WITH MILLER by giving some credit to the guy that coined the Fraze, Wrestlers wrestle. Mr. Chris Cruit. He is also known as the Franchise Player, and the IWA Champ. He is, arguably, the second best wrestler in IWA history, and I only say second best because my own personal ego will NOT let me give up that top spot, lol. Anyways. Mr. Cruit, to the best of my understanding, coined the fraze, wrestlers wrestle. What he did not come up with was the meaning behind that .Because, truthfully, the meaning behind the fraze has been around decades longer than even I have been wrestling, and that my Bull-Inites, has been a spell. Before I get to far into the meaning of Wrestlers wrestle however, let me say this, wrestling use to be a much more honorable profession than it is today. One of the reasons Y it was better thought of in the old days was because, Wrestlers wrestled. Today, well it aint all that much so. Wrestlers today show up to wrestle with gear that looks more suitable to go to the mall, than to wrestle. And thats if they show up at all. THE ABSOLUTE WORSE THING A WRESTLER CAN DO IS TO NO SHOW A EVENT U AGREED TO BE ON. If U do this, even semi regularly, in my estimation, U are NOT a wrestler. Any of U bums that want to argue this with me, im not hard to find. Im probably the guy working in your home fed just here and there, but still has the promoter making over me. Let me give U bums a little hint, its because he knows I am a wrestler, and I will do everything I can, including showing up, to make his next event better. Some of you may think this is a bit extreme, but please here me out. U live in Cleavland and U have a match set up in Columbus. U go to get into your car and the damn thing will not start. Is that a reason to miss a match? Well maybe, but not until U have called everyone from your friend to your Rabi, trying to get a ride. And if U knew your car had been having issues and U excepted the Columbus match anyways, well U better have had a plan B in case your car resided to act up again. So what is a OK reason to miss a agreed upon wrestling match? Well if U broke some ribs the night before, that may be a good reason, but then again, maybe not. I have wrestled with broke ribs, fingers, color bone, concussions, and hart issues. If your a wrestler U wrestle. U may have to play it smart, but U wrestle. Thats what wrestlers do. After I had my hear attack and triple bi-pass last year, my hart surgeon said my wrestling was over, U will NEVER be able to do it again, I was told. I looked him in the eye and said, Guess again doc. Im a wrestler, and wrestlers wrestle. I took some time off to heal, then I was back at it again. Today when my hart doc sees me she asks, Are U still wrestling? I tell her I am, and she just shakes her head, with a little smile on her face. She knows I play by a different set of rules from other clients she may have, Im a wrestler, and wrestlers wrestle. End of story. I know I said I would be there, but its my kids birthday party, and I got to be there. I may get a bit of heat, but here is the deal, try to change the party date. If U can not do that, then get the kid a present, tell him, Happy birthday, and plan to spend some quality time with the kid later as a make up day. Your a wrestler, and wrestlers wrestle. Now if U knew the kids party may be on a day U get a booking, well, then just do not take the booking, its all cool. But then, if the promoter really needs U on a given night, U need to take that into account as well. I recently got a lady wrestler a booking she OKed. She then called off the week of the show because she had some other biz plans change, and she was not available on the particular date anymore. Well, let me say this, she CHOSE not to be available any more, because in my eyes view, she should have lived up to her commitment to the wrestling promoter she was booked with, wrestlers wrestle, remember? Anyways, things happen, I know, I have missed wrestling matches because of weather and car issues, but not to many. Like I believe the magic number is 3 out of over 3,000, and thats a pretty good record. I know wrestlers that have missed more than three matches in a bad month, but then, hm, maybe that is why I am called great and fantastic. Wrestlers wrestle. If U think U can be there, take the booking. If U take the booking, move hell and high water to be there to wrestle. U, and I, owe it to the ones that give us our chance to live our dreams. We owe it to all the other wrestlers, and personnel on a event, and we owe it to the fans. Hell, we probably, some way, some how, owe it to that damn Murch Monkey selling our 8X10s. In the good old days, wrestlers wrestled, and it was a great biz. Today, to many wrestlers half ass it, and U can look at all those empty seats at the arenas and see what the effect of no shows are. Or even guys and gals that did show to wrestle but they showed up with sub par skills and with no true gear. Fans pay to see wrestlers wrestle, not kids and dreamers play. I started this by mentioning people that flip burgers at Burger King. Well listen, not everyone can be the great and fantastic - Bull Miller. Someone has to flip burgers, someone has to make classes, and someone has to drive that school bus. Like pro wrestling, there all honorable professions, I could have did a column that was titled - HOOKERS BLOW JOHNS. But the point is, take pride and do your best at whatever U do. Perform to the best of your abilities, and U will be a credit to the companies U work for, and to yourself. Yes Mr. Sears Lumber Dept, this is Bull calling. Sorry, I know I am on the schedule, but I can not be at work today. WHY, well, its my old ladies birthday, and I got to take her out for drinks. . . . Hm, what? FIRED !!! Are U kidding me, just call someone else in. This has been MONDAY WITH MILLER. Thank U for reading, I hope U was entertained and maybe even learned something.
Posted on: Mon, 26 Jan 2015 08:45:22 +0000

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