*** MORE BEANS SPILLED *** PUBLIC v. PRIVATE CAPACITY How it relates to... Your Legal Estate... Your Unclaimed Securities... Faith and Who You Serve. What is the difference between the terms, “PUBLIC,” and, “Private?” Yeah, I know… here come the quips of, “Don’t you know?” Or, “Can’t you tell?” Seriously, I will bet the farm that you have taken both of these terms for granted and do not really know what they mean. Knowing the meaning of these terms is extremely important to understanding what is taking place, why it is taking place, and how you are to properly fit INTO place so as to not cause a disturbance to the PUBLIC by attempting to commingle your private capacity with a PUBLIC capacity, which more than likely you have already done because you have outright trespassed from the private into the PUBLIC because you do not possess the knowledge of the difference and how not to commit such an act. Again, this is because you really do not know the meaning of the term PUBLIC, but you think you do. Remember 1 Corinthians 8:2, “If anyone thinks he knows anything, he knows nothing yet as he ought to.” Well, here is a prime example of that for you to consider. Let us take a look at the legal definition of the term, “PUBLIC,” which is quoted at the end of this posting. As you will soon see that it does not mean what you think it means. More than likely, when you hear the term, “PUBLIC,” you think it is referring to all the general population at-large. On the contrary, it does not. The term PUBLIC means, the STATE, the NATION, the COMMONWEALTH, or the PUBLIC. These are all one and the same as the definition points out. All the people are actually in and of “the Private.” The PUBLIC is foreign to the Private as it is a CORPORATE STATE. I say again, the PUBLIC is foreign to you IF you are in your Private Capacity. However, the chance of that is very-very slim because you do not know how this is manifested in your daily life. In your private capacity you are not a CORPORATE STATE. Therefore, you cannot be construed to be of the PUBLIC for any reason other than criminal. However, it is more than likely you have been acting in a PUBLIC capacity not knowing and understanding the difference between PUBLIC and Private as you were never taught these things, and worse yet, this knowledge has been kept from you, as I will show you a bit later who has done this to you. But, actually you should already be aware of this from my previous writings. Now, when you enter into a PUBLIC BUILDING, this is why the POLICE OFFICER and/or AGENT and/or SECURITY GUARD and/or TSA AGENT says to you that you are in, or are now entering into a PUBLIC BUILDING, which means that you are recognized to be entering into PUBLIC capacity and are subject to all the rules, laws and regulations that govern such. I realize that they may not say this directly to you, but it is clearly posted on some sign giving that notice. Nevertheless, the meaning here is quite clear by this notice and declaration spoken or written… meaning this public building is a STATE building, and as I said before, anything to do with the STATE is completely FOREIGN to the general population of private people, as it is assumed that the general population KNOWS that it is always in its Private capacity, and will maintain that private capacity at all times, except, if you do something to indicate that you are to be recognized to be in PUBLIC capacity, and this can be accomplished by a simple act and deed. So now, are you getting a clearer picture of Private and PUBLIC capacities and how easy it can be to commingle and/or trespass from one while being in the other? By the way, to trespass from your Private capacity into the public reveals a double mind, and I think you know what that means. Remember, everything you do when you interact with the capitalistic commercial world is ALL in the PUBLIC, but you do not have to be in the PUBLIC to accomplish anything in the PUBLIC. That means, when you travel, go out to get taco’s, go shopping, take a walk in the park, go fishing, go fly a kite, jump off a bridge, see a movie, go to the 501c3 religious organization that you attend… IS ALL OF THE PUBLIC! What you must learn how to do is to stay in your private capacity whilst you are going about your business in the PUBLIC so you are not perceived to be in a PUBLIC CAPACITY and thereby subject to all the rules, laws, regulations, statutes, codes and ordinances that govern the PUBLIC domain. In your private capacity you are naturally foreign to the PUBLIC, but you are only foreign to it IF, IF, IF, you know and understand how to maintain your Private Capacity so that you are never perceived to be trespassing into the PUBLIC. Currently right now, as I said earlier, I will bet the entire farm, and now add the Republic on top of that, that none of you do know how to maintain your private capacity, and have indeed trespassed into the PUBLIC. Furthermore, I am going to give an example to prove my point, and why so many of you have become subject to a foreign jurisdiction (THE PUBLIC), and as a result you unknowingly have acquiesced control of your legal estate to someone else because you left it abandoned. But, at least you did not sell it because you despised it like Esau did, which means you can get back control of it, if you learn what you need to do, and you should learn what you need to do! In support of this claim I give the following example. Once again, for the sixth or seventh time I have witnessed someone lodging a complaint about the AFFORDABLE HEATH CARE ACT also known as OBAMA CARE. Their complaint is that they feel they are paying more than they should have to pay. Well, guess what, I have got some news for you. If you are caught in the mess of OBAMA CARE and have to pay, or are paying more than you feel you should be paying, it is because you are perceive to be in the PUBLIC in a PUBLIC capacity and/or PUBLIC OFFICE as a TRUSTEE of the PUBLIC TRUST and therefore, you indeed are subject to all the statutes and codes of the PUBLIC TRUST. In addition, the reason why this is, is because you have abandoned your Private Capacity as well as the administration your own private legal estate. That leaves it up to someone else to do that for you because you are acting as a minor would act, which is why the definition of the term MINOR in 31CFR363.6 expresses that not only is a MINOR under the 18 years of age, but it is also ANYONE WHO HAS NOT YET CLAIMED THEIR SECURITIES IN THEIR MINOR ACCOUNT and as a result, those securities are still under the control of a custodian who is in the PUBLIC, resulting in you being subject to the will and wishes of that custodian and the PUBLIC statutes and codes. Guess what?! That custodian are the BANKERS a.k.a, the MONEYCHANGERS! Are you getting a clearer picture yet? I have already posted on 31CFR363.6 in a previous post, but there is more to be learned as you can see from this post. However, if you have NOT looked into this, and if you have not researched this, and if you have not studied into this, then don’t you think it is about time for you to do that so you do not have to pay more than you think you ought to be paying FOR ANYTHING, not just OBAMA CARE? Or, are you just going to continue to murmur and complain as the children of Israel did even after experiencing the salvation of the Lord from Egypt, and again at the Red Sea, as well as numerous other times, because you do not like the duties and responsibilities that you have volunteered for by leaving your legal estate abandoned to others to administrate for you, because you have refused to learn about it and accept full liability for it? COME ON! Can you not see how this constitutes the burying of one your talents given unto you of the Creator Most High El Elyon? Yes! I am suggesting that leaving your legal estate abandoned in the PUBLIC is tantamount to burying a talent. If you are unaware of the parable of the talents, then perhaps this is a good time for you to go and review it. Nevertheless, remember, “No man can serve two masters.” So then, if your legal estate and the securities that belong to it are under the control of a PUBLIC TRUSTEE, then you are a PUBLIC TRUSTEE under the jurisdictional control of the custodian who is HOLDING those securities in-trust. Now, do you see why I have written what I have in past writings trying to give you hints to this knowledge and the connection this has to do with the testing of your faith? Make no mistake about this! The economic system is a primary tool used by the Creator Most High El Elyon through Yehoshua the Heir of ALL things, for the testing of your faith, and for the expression of clearly indicating to whom it is that you have pledged your life to serve. Now, the custodian of your securities, that someone else, are the trustees in the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, as well as the Trustees of the current STATE you inhabit. Those trustee’s, all lawyers, who manipulate the PUBLIC TRUST from their Private Capacity for personal private-profit and gain at your loss. They can do this because you have not claimed your securities from your minor account, removing them out from under the control of the Private International Bankers; the MONEYCHANGERS, the same one’s whose tables Jesus/Yehoshua turned over showing us by a very power act and deed to have nothing to do with BANKS and BANKERS, because they use unequal weights and measures (Deut 25:13-16 & Pro 11:1) as well as USURY (Lev 25:37, Neh 5:7-10, Psm 15:5, Pro 28:8). Know ye not that in to-day’s modern world the FEDERAL RESERVE BANK, INTERNATIONAL MONETARY FUND and WORLD BANK are these same MONEYCHANGERS? Yep, these are the same one’s that Jesus/Yehoshua opposed directly because they turned the Father’s House into a den of thieves. So then, why are you supporting them with your business in a PUBLIC CAPACITY and not dealing with them through your Private Capacity, which makes you their master? Do you not see that it is the Treasury that Jesus/Yehoshua was supportive of in the parable of the Widow and her two mites, not the BANKERS and their unequal weights and measures? More importantly, by conceding to deal with the BANKERS/MONEYCHANGERS in a PUBLIC capacity, instead of the Treasury in your Private capacity, what does this say about your faith and who you are truly serving? Therefore, if you have not done these things at the very least, then you are correctly perceived to be a junior trustee in PUBLIC capacity and subject to the senior Trustees of the District of Columbia and the Acts that they do pass, such as the AFFORDABLE HEALTH CARE ACT. So then, now you know why your complaints about having to pay to much are not only frivolous, but are also ignored as your only duty in your PUBLIC capacity is to perform according to the statutes and codes (ENABLING ACTS) that are beset upon you to perform, for you have no other say in the matter. Furthermore, you are to perform these duties without complaint, without murmur, and without hesitation, because you have agreed to do so by your own works, deeds and actions stepping into PUBLIC capacity and staying there. To complain about your duties is not only outright rebellion against God’s Law, but it is also clearly the act and deed of a, “Belligerent Hostile,” as defined by the Lieber Code, and other defining terms in the Trading With the Enemy Act. Remember Paul’s admonishment saying that if you are going to be another man’s slave, then be a good slave. Meaning, to whom you are subject you must obey, for this is the Will of God in Christ. Complaining and murmuring even against the very one’s put in place to govern your legal estate according to Romans 13:1-3 is still rebellion against the Creator God Most High revealing that you have not yet reach the time appointed of the Father (Gal 4:1-7). So, be very-very careful about disparaging even the so-called leaders of your current STATE and/or even the DISTRICT OF COLUMBIA, as it indeed is God’s will that you obey them if you are subject to them, for they are ordained by Him to rule at this current time. Anyone opposed to them in their rule, even if their rule is evil, is to be in rebellion against the Creator God Most High El Elyon. Take this warning with all due seriousness! The Father looks upon all rebellion as witchcraft, and you do not want to enter into judgment for being involved in such a thing. This is one of the reasons why the recurring theme of my writings has constantly focused on quoting Revelation 18 and verse 4, “Come out her/Babylon and stop participating in her sin,” because you do not know the meaning and the difference between the terms PUBLIC and Private, which has resulted in the manifestation of Hosea 4:6. However, because the Lawyers have indeed conspired to withhold knowledge from you per Luke 11:52 and 46, as well as conspired to, “Kill the Heir so [your] inheritance may be theirs,” (Luke 20:13-16), there is still plenty of hope for you to learn your duties and responsibilities to administrate your legal estate properly (Mansion - “In my Father’s house are many mansions/estates,” John 14:2 and that Estate has a Lawful form and capacity, as well as a Legal form and capacity) and come out of PUBLIC capacity and remain in your Private Capacity in the name of your Lord and soon coming King Yahoshuah H’Machiach. So then, remember, any time you walk into ANY type of government building, whether it be City, County, State or Federal, you just left your private jurisdiction and entered into a FOREIGN jurisdiction also known as the PUBLIC! This remains true if you do not know how to assert your Private Capacity and remain in the Private and out of the PUBLIC thus protecting the legal estate that is your duty and responsibility in the Name of Jesus the Christ as He is the Heir of ALL things. Also, if you are ever approached by a PUBLIC OFFICIAL of any capacity they will always assume you to be in the PUBLIC, and therefore a PUBLIC TRUSTEE subject to all the rules, laws and regulations governing such unless you can show that you are not in the PUBLIC but are instead choosing to remain in your Private Capacity to go about your private business peacefully without trespassing directly into a PUBLIC capacity. One last thing, which many of you will find very difficult to handle because of your indoctrination through the PUBLIC SCHOOLS, PUBLIC MEDIA, and the influences of your Family and Friend, is that Private People people are not a party to the constitution. Yep! You heard me correctly! The Constitution has nothing at all to do with the private people. It only applies to those within the PUBLIC, meaning the STATE, meaning only those who are elected, appointed or employed performing a function of government, whether it be a local unit of Government, i.e., City or County, or State Government or Federal Government, and this can also mean you, if and when you trespass into the PUBLIC. Such PUBLIC TRUSTEES have constitutional rights because THEY relinquished all the natural born unalienable rights when they took their oath to become a member of the PUBLIC [State, Commonwealth, Nation] ALL foreign corporations. You never did any of those things, but you did trespass into the PUBLIC to become recognized to be a PUBLIC TRUSTEE, and in that capacity no one will ever oppose you. This is why anyone doing this kind of act and deed is referred to as, “Trustee de son tort.” Look it up. Learn from it and don’t do it anymore, because, I know you have. Remember, I bet the farm and the Republic on that conclusion. From Bouviers Law Dictionary, 1856: The term, “STATE” means... “In search for a verbal expression of that ENTITY which has been variously phrased as the state, the nation, the commonwealth, or the public, the first mentioned term was slow in coming into general use.” So any time you see or hear the word the public… now you know what it actually means... IT MEANS THE STATE!
Posted on: Wed, 13 Aug 2014 07:14:51 +0000

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