MORE PROOF REPUBLICANS ON THE SCIENCE, SPACE & TECHNOLOGY COMMITTEE ARE F*CKING IDIOTS! AND CARL SAGAN SAW IT HAPPENING 17YRS AGO! : The farce continued with another Republican member trotting out the tired old examples of global cooling and dinosaurs: “I remember in the ’70s, that [cooling] was the threat, the fear,” Posey recalled. Then he pivoted. “I’ve read that during the period of the dinosaurs, that the Earth’s temperature was 30° warmer. Does that seem fathomable to you?” From the described exchange it seems that the members have zero interest in knowing the truth or understanding how science works. Sadly this rancor, ignorance and lack of respect for science and scientists is business as usual for Republican members of the House committee. After all, the subcommittee responsible for climate change is, quite appropriately enough, led by a climate change denier (this literally sounds like something out of Orwell). 17 out of 22 members of the larger committee either deny that climate change is happening or question that human activities are responsible for it; the chairman of the committee himself is skeptical about global warming. And of course, let’s not forget committee member Paul Broun who thinks evolution is a “lie from the pit of hell”. blogs.scientificamerican/the-curious-wavefunction/2014/03/31/the-house-of-representatives-committee-on-science-is-turning-into-a-national-embarrassment/
Posted on: Mon, 20 Oct 2014 23:17:17 +0000

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