MOST TRUSTED AND HIGH EARNING SITE paidverts/ref/nadeem991032 Review Last Updated : June 7, 2014 Owner/Alias : Jo Cook Company : Future Business Group Ltd [Same owners of MyTrafficValue] -Revenue share mixed with PTC, all revenue is distributed as adverts, you have to interact with them to get paid (you have 18 hours to click any ad assigned to your account) -Unique graphic, unique script and unique marketing plan -Ad campaing cost just 1$, it includes 50 visits to your website, 100 views 125x125 banner and 25 views for 728x90 banner -You get 10% referral commission for your referrals purchases and 5% from their paid clicks -Bank wire, western union, paypal, solidtrustpay, perfectmoney, egopay accepted, more to come soon. -You can withdraw your earnings to any payment processor you like, for example you deposit via stp and withdraw to paypal. -Any ad pack expire at 1.55$ of delivered ads (5% goes to upline) so you earn 47,5% -For 5 cents you can upgrade account and get more recycled ads (skipped by other users) -You can earn for free, just watch activation ad and wait for some paid ads -Transparency, a lot of stats, logs, and plans for the future paidverts/ref/nadeem991032 Tips to earn more with PaidVerts!!! 1. Accumulate as much BAP as possible. The more you have the higher value ads your account will start to receive. For some perspective, to receive paid ads of $1+ with any frequency, youre going to need 50-100k BAP. 2. Buy ads. For every $1 spent, youll get 50 visits to your website, and 3100 BAP. That will deliver $1.55 worth of paid ads to your account ASAP 3. Try buying the $0.05 recycler pro upgrade from your My Account page. That will deliver $1 worth of ads to your account very quickly - usually within 24-72hours. 4. And if youre a big user, and want to block out pointlessly low value ads, that are a waste of your time, and consume your BAP needlessly. You can buy our ad filter from your My Account page. paidverts/ref/nadeem991032 I wish you success! Any Question If you have Add me here facebook/MNadeem1032 GOOD LUCK TO ALL!!!
Posted on: Tue, 24 Jun 2014 08:03:52 +0000

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