MY DING DANG TURCK HAS BEEN FOUND THE POLICE LITERALLY CALLED ME AND TOLD ME THAT IT WAS PARKED AT LANGLEY CASCADES CASINO AFTER THE SECURITY GOT CONCERNED WITH AN UNLOCKED CAR SITTING IN THEIR LOT FOR DAYS WITH THE WINDOW DOWN aside from some water damage from an open window and damage to the lock and ignition from what the officer said was a shaved key (?), it seems to have been dumped on the day it was taken with no other damage to my vehicle. The thieves also took my phone charger and audio cable from the cab but they also left a small gas tank in my cab. It would seem they drove it around for some mystery errands, then filled it up with what was in the jerry can, and drove it to the casino to be dumped. I guess so they wouldnt be see at a gas station. The casino security guys said their cameras picked up two guys leave my car so they are now looking for them I guess. Even the police officer was SHOCKED at how... relatively undamaged it was and im seriously counting my blessings. He pretty much assesed it and gave me the option to let him tow it to the police lockup or just come down, wrap up the case file with him and drive away with my truck. All i need to figure out now is how to fix the locks and ignition and then im going all out on security lol. getting an alarm, a club and duh, complete insurance. UGH UGHH THESE THIEVES WERE NICE ASSHOLES. PRETTY MUCH ALL THEY STOLE FROM ME WAS MY PEACE OF MIND. thank you all for all the support and good words, I really appreciate it, especially on Friday and Saturday when I was at my lowest over it.
Posted on: Tue, 21 Oct 2014 06:40:40 +0000

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